Department of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion / Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 422
Undervisning om religion i USA: Lärarperspektiv på high school
(Göteborgs universitet, 2022)This study is aimed at understanding high school teachers’ views on religious education in the Salt Lake City area, Utah. In this study, six teachers are interviewed about their views on the courses they teach and how the ... -
Etik i klimatförändringens tid - en jämförelse mellan den antika dygdeetiken och vår samtida ekofilosofiska diskurs
(2022-06-20)Climate changes is a real threat against a prosperous planet. According to reports from The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is it now urgent to change direction concerning carbon dioxide emissions, ... -
Mitt kors - En stötesten för kyrkan? En diskursanalys av initiativet Mitt kors.
(2022-06-20)Father Jaques Hamel was murdered on July 26, 2016, while he was celebrating the morning mass in his small church in Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray in northern France. Hamel was killed by two young men pledging allegiance to the ... -
Ideal och verklighet i livet som präst: En studie av lidandeprocessen hos präster som begått ämbetsbrott
(2022-06-20)The study examines and analyses the relationship between ideals and reality in perceptions of how priests should live their lives in order to be faithful to their promises and the church’s ideals. The study covers the ... -
Do Not Forsake Me, O God. Doctrinal Representation of God, Dualistic Literalism, and Attachment to God
(2022-06-17)The present study examines the relationship between individuals’ doctrinal and experiential representation of God, by inquiring for associations between dualistic literalism and attachment to God. By dualistic literalism ... -
Sexualitet, samtycke och relationer i religionskunskap. Lärares förhållningssätt till nya krav i läroplanen
(Göteborgs universitet, 2022)With the revision of the Swedish curriculum that takes place on 1 June 2022, the school's responsibility to communicate knowledge about sexuality, consent and relationships to its pupils is further emphasized. Even though ... -
Förkroppsligandet av det abstrakta. Lärares syn på religion och materialitet
(Göteborgs universitet, 2022)This study inquiries to research if this view of religion is also prominent in upper secondary school teachers teaching religious studies. This study aims to research the attitude of religious studies teachers in Sweden ... -
Vad är skillnaden på Aum i lotusställning och att andas i fyrkant? - En kvalitativ studie om förkroppsligad religionsundervisning och konfessionella fallgropar
(Göteborgs Universitet, 2022)Religious studies in Swedish schools must approach religion from an objective and versatile stance, this raises the question about how teachers of religious studies can invite lived religion into the classroom, in the form ... -
Jesus och tetragrammaton i Johannesevangeliet. Jesu användning av gudsnamnet i modern bibelöversättning
(2022-06-17)The tetragrammaton – God’s name, YHWH – appears in Old Testament (OT) texts Exodus 3:14 and Deutero-Isaiah. In LXX the phrase is written as ἐγώ εἰμι, literally ‘I am’. John, more than any other gospel writer, places these ... -
Konfetti i hela min säng. En studie av prisnominerade skönlitterära debutanter 2010–2020
(2022-06-15)This master’s thesis aims to investigate how literary prize nominated first-time fiction writers experience the circumstances around publishing their debut work, with particular focus on the significance of literary awards. ... -
St Basil’s Pneumatology in Pentecostalism: A Constructive Analysis of On the Holy Spirit in a Pentecostal
(2022-06-14)This research analyses the pneumatological work On the Holy Spirit of St Basil of Caesarea (ca. 330—379 AD) and examines its possible effects on Pentecostal understandings of the Holy Spirit. It’s a qualitative content ... -
Häxan på Instagram: Samtida religiösa världsbilder i sekulära Sverige
(2022-06-10)This is a study of contemporary Swedish witches on the social media platform Instagram. The purpose is to analyze the conveyed religious worldview in relation to the larger, more dominant secular Swedish worldview. This ... -
“On an ecliptic Tuesday or Saturday the Tantrik practises several black arts.”
(2022-05-12)This thesis investigates descriptions of Tantra within nineteenth to twentieth century Theosophy. 34 accounts from two Theosophical periodicals, The Theosophist (1879–) and Lucifer (1887–97) published between the years ... -
”Mu eallin” – genrens funktion i Mikael Niemis roman Koka björn
(2022-05-10)This master’s thesis studies the functions of the genres in Swedish author Mikael Niemi’s novel To Cook a Bear (2017). The plot is set in Kengis in 1852 and is told through two protagonists: the priest and Jussi Sieppinen. ... -
Stavning och digitala verktyg – En forskningsöversikt om digitala verktygs påverkan på elevers stavningsförmåga
(Göteborgs universitet, 2022)Som följd av digitaliseringen har de digitala verktygen i skolan ökat, vilket i sin tur medför både nya möjligheter och utmaningar. Att vara lärare och elev i dagens klassrum är annorlunda än för 20 år sedan, men hur ... -
Delar av en helhet. Tematisk interaktion mellan berättelserna i Sara Stridsbergs "Darling River"
(2022-02-17)This essay aims to examine how the different storylines in Sara Stridsberg’s "Darling River" interact and illuminate one another. To achieve this, it uses Max Black’s theory of interactive metaphors, and focuses on three ... -
En dödlig komedi. Commedia dell’Arte i Agatha Christies "Peril at End House" (1932) och "The Hollow" (1946)
(2022-02-17)This essay examines the role of Commedia dell’Arte in Agatha Christie’s "Peril at End House" (1932) and "The Hollow" (1946). The connection between the whodunnit novel and Commedia dell’Arte has been made several times, ... -
”Och med granskogen följer mörker” Natursyn i två barnlitterära bilderböcker av Lars Lerin
(2022-02-17)This thesis examines which attitudes towards nature can be found in two contemporary children’s picture books by Swedish artist and author Lars Lerin. The questions posed further concern whether there are visible differences ... -
Kvinnor, yoghurtglass, och Frankenkukar. En undersökning om kvinnors begär i "Milk Fed" av Melissa Broder
(2022-02-17)This essay aims to examine the depiction of female desire in the novel "Milk Fed", published in 2021 by author Melissa Broder. Female desire as a literary motif has become more frequent in fiction over time, moreover it ... -
"I have alluded to him, Reader". Categorising literary references in Jane Eyre (1847)
(2022-02-17)This essay examines the use of references to real books within the narrative of Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre (1847). Jane Eyre is one of the most densely allusive novels of its time, which is well-documented, but there is ...