Department of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion / Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 261-280 av 422
Dekonstruktion är en dygd. En studie av moralpraktiker hos Thomas av Aquino i ljuset av Derrida
(2014-06-26)This study departs in a critique issued against the ethics of deconstruction that it does not provide good enough advice for how to turn its ehtics into "real life"-actions. Taking up the concept of moral practices as found ... -
Hemsökta gränser. En studie av gotisk barnfiktion och dess position i den gotiska genren
(2014-05-27)Although research on gothic fiction has given limited attention to children’s fiction, the last two decades have witnessed an increasing interest. To date the focus has been mainly on English literature with a recurring ... -
Receptionen av Anne Charlotte Lefflers författarskap i den tyska tidskriften "Deutsche Rundschau" 1884-1894. En undersökning av förutsättningarna för en ny effektiv litteraturhistorieskrivning.
(2014-05-06)This essay examines the possibilities of writing a counter history about Anne Charlotte Leffler that does not have - like most of the previous studies and literary histories upon Leffler - the Swedish boundaries or the ... -
Bara det som lyser genom porerna - En kroppsnarratologisk studie av Malin Kiveläs "Du eller aldrig"
(2014-04-08)In Malin Kivelä’s novel Du eller aldrig (2006) the reader experiences the world through the body of Aija, the narrator; a middle aged woman living in Helsinki. Aija has no family or other social relations. Hers is a life ... -
En förunderlig fara - statens syn på zigenare i det svenska samhället under 1930-40-talen
(2014-02-17)The purpose of my essay is to analyse the antiziganism imparted by the Swedish Governement during the 1930´s and 1940´s. The starting points are the text in the first published chapter of the Governement´s White Paper and ... -
Produktionsanalys av: Backa Teaters uppsättning av: UTOPIA 2012. När var du i paradiset senast?
(2014-02-17)This essay analyzes the production process in connection with the original play Utopia 2012, which premiered at Backa Theatre, Gothenburg, Sweden on 27 October 2012. The aim of the essay is to seek a deeper understanding ... -
Where am I? Who am I? (Abjection and Negotiating Identity in Carin Mannheimer's "Sista Dansen")
(2014-02-17)Julia Kristeva’s lexicon of abjection, criticized by feminist philosophers for being trapped in a male/female polarity, is explored for its potential to generate analyses. What is meant by lexicon is the terminology, which ... -
Så mycket på spel. En studie om spels narrativa förmåga och funktion i skolan
(2014-02-06)The purpose of this essay is to investigate and discuss the current state of game research and its potential usage in didactic situations. The essay is divided in two parts. Part one consists of an attempt to comment ... -
Läsa spel. En analys av Alice-böckernas adaptation till spelformatet
(2014-02-06)The purpose of this essay is to examine the consequences following an adaptation from literature to video game format by comparing Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass with American McGee's Alice ... -
”Berättelsen om Hedvig och hennes son” : en narratologisk analys av en berättelse i Lars Ahlins Natt i marknadstältet
(2014-02-05)Natt i marknadstältet is considered as one of Lars Ahlin’s most significant works of fiction. The novel is complex in structure and meaning, containing numerous stories and characters entangled with the main story. One of ... -
Eva och lagen - En studie av bibliska syner på kvinnor utifrån skapelseberättelsen i Gen 2-3 och lagar i Gamla testamentet
(2014-02-05)The purpose of this C-essay within the subject of religion is to form a notion as to how the attitudes towards women and their position in a theoretical biblical society might have been perceived, based upon a select number ... -
Och på den heliga Anden - Angående skillnaderna i N och NC och deras orsaker
(2014-02-03)In this essay I set out to investigate the differences between the creed that was formulated at the council of Nicaea (325 A.D) and the creed that was produced at the council of Constantinopel (381 A.D). The majority of ... -
Maskulinitet i läromedel. En kritisk diskursanalys av en lärobok i religionsämnet
(2014-01-31)This study indicates that research about men and masculinity does not appear to have advanced as far as research about women and femininity. Similarly to attitudes concerning women and femininity, clear norms and attitudes ... -
”Att ikläda sig ansvar” Inhemskt aktörskap i Skandinavisk Pingstmission i Tanganyika 1932-1945
(2014-01-29)A common phenomena in descriptions of Western mission initiatives to the South is the overrepresentation of depictions of the missionaries and underrepresentation of the indigenous people. It is fair to say that there ... -
Döden som social överlevnad. Keltiskt människooffer under järnåldern
(2014-01-28)This essay concerns the Celts during the Iron Age, and their ritual practice in human sacrifice. The method applied is an eclectic historic-critic reading of the few classical sources that exist together with archeological ... -
Att berätta en relation. En etisk läsning av Emilia Fogelklous "Arnold"
(2014-01-28)The subject of this dissertation is the autobiographical novel Arnold by the Swedish writer Emilia Fogelklou (1878-1972). By combining Gérard Genette’s narratology and Andrew Gibson’s narrative ethics this study seeks to ... -
Klingner för Masthugget Folkkyrkotankens roll för utvecklingen i Masthugget under 1904–1936
(2014-01-27)The early 20th century saw the Church of Sweden (Svenska kyrkan) come under threat from the modernization of the Swedish society. As a reaction to this and a way to secure the survival of the church a number theologians ... -
Islam i religionsundervisningen
(2014-01-24)Studiens syfte har varit att undersöka och analysera religionslärarens tal om islam. Frågeställningarna är följande: Vilka diskurser förekommer i lärares tal om islam relaterat till undervisningssituationer? Vilka diskurser ... -
Western and Indian theories of consciousness confronted A comparative overview of continental and analytic philosophy with Advaita Vedanta and Madhyamaka Buddhism
(2014-01-22)The burgeoning field of cognitive studies in the West is motivated by a renewed interest in conscious experience, which arose in the postmodern zeitgeist in response to the positivist, scientific ideal of objectivity. ... -
Jesu uppståndelse: centralt tema eller detalj? En jämförelse av framställningen av Jesu uppståndelse i 12 läromedel för gymnasiet
(2014-01-22)The following study pertains to investigate the Christian belief in the resurrection of Jesus as it is portrayal in text books aimed at the course Religion 1 for Swedish upper secondary school. The study was carried out ...