Department of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion / Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 361-380 av 422
Gudsbilder i svenska visor Fröding/Karlfeldt/Vreeswijk
(2012-01-31) -
Petrus – sveket och upprättelsen
(2012-01-31) -
Kristen djupmeditation som religiös praxis i Svenska kyrkan
(2012-01-31)The Church of Sweden has in recent years offered activities such as Christian deep medita-tion, mindfulness and health days. This may be a way for the Church of Sweden to reach the modern man who would not otherwise have ... -
Identitetsbegreppet i religionsundervisning vid svensk gymnasieskola Analys av identitetsteorier
(2012-01-31)In this study I try to answer the question what to consider when teaching about identity and religious identity in Religious Studies at Upper Secondary Schools in Sweden. This inquiry is based on the fact that the latest ... -
Vad spelar sexualiteten för roll? En queerdidaktisk genusanalys av ungdomsromanen Spelar roll av Hans Olsson
(2011-10-26)Uppsatsen syfte är att problematisera dikotomin maskulint/feminint och subjekten män/kvinnor, samt att införa ett icke-heterosexuellt perspektiv in i genusforskningen kring ungdomslitteratur. Detta görs utifrån teoretiker ... -
Symbolism och impressionism i Ivar Conradsons Skyarne
(2011-10-26)This essay examines the poetry of the Swedish writer Ivar Conradson (1885-1968). It analyzes his work in the context of the European literary scene of the late 19th century, in particular symbolism and impressionism. ... -
Gudstjänstordning i förändring - en undersökning av teologin i högmässans beredelsemoment och en diskussion av förslagen till dess omformning
(2011-09-28)Public confession and declaration of grace in the mass, following the book of worship of the Church of Sweden, is considered by many to be problematic, and hence the topic of frequent discussion. This is apparent already ... -
Sökarkyrkan; Marknadsförd religion mot den postmoderna sökaren? -Hur och varför ett fåtal innovativa religionsproducenter förändrar det amerikanska religiösa landskapet
(2011-09-27)The controversial phenomenon of ―seeker-oriented‖ megachurches are currently transforming the American religious landscape. These churches, some housing up to 30,000 worshippers every week, are targeting religious seekers ... -
Det behornade ansiktet En transtextuell analys mellan Hjalmar Söderbergs Jahves eld och andra Moseboken
(2011-09-23)The aim of this study was to analyze the transtextual relationship between Hjalmar Söderberg's Jahves eld (The Fire of Yahweh, 1918) and the Book of Exodus. A limitation was set to just focus on the theme regarding the ... -
Lévinas och den andre. Nycklar till en gångbar etik i det postmoderna samhället
(2011-09-21)Emmanuel Lévinas is one of the great ethics in the 20th century. His contribution to the philosophical discourse defies our thinking and behavior in a revolutionary way. He dismisses every categorization, every tematization, ... -
Påskfirandet i två lokala kristna församlingar Immauelskyrkan SMK,Stockholm Ndjilikyrkan,CEC,Quartier5 Kinshasa
(2011-09-21)The main aim of my research essay is to examine two congregations, one in Sweden and one in Democratic Republic of Congo, how theology and the life in the church shape the cultural context. The analysis uses semi-structured ... -
”Guden tiger och människorna pratar” - en studie av gudsbilden i Ingmar Bergmans filmer
(2011-09-16)The study is aimed at investigating the images of God, or how God is percepted, that is being presented in the artistic work of Ingmar Bergman, and how they differ from each other. The films that are being analysed in ... -
Det posttraumatiska subjektet - subjekt, kapitalism och kristendom hos Slavoj Žižek.
(2011-09-16)The study is aimed at investigating the Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižeks theories of the ontology of the subject, the crisis of our modern society and his views on how theology, especially Christian theology, can ... -
Katolska kyrkans roll i skräckfilm En rollteoretisk analys av Katolska kyrkan i filmerna Exorcisten och Ritualen.
(2011-09-16)My problem comes out of the bigger question “why the Catholic church is featured in horror films whenever a religious organization is in one?” I have detected in the horror films that I've seen that when a religious ... -
MÄNNISKA OCH KRISTEN GUSTAF WINGRENS SKAPELSETEOLOGI Analys av en accentförskjutning från juridisk teologisk metaforik till biologisk teologisk metaforik
(2011-09-16)Titel: Human being and Christian – creationtheology of Gustaf Wingren. Analysis of an accentshift from a juridical theological metaphor to a biological theological metaphor. Author: Tove Pilroth. The purpose of the essay ... -
Kvinnliga Församlingsledare Då och Nu En litteraturstudie om ämbetsfrågan i Svenska kyrkan
(2011-09-16)For almost a century the debate about women as ordained servants in the Church of Sweden has raged on and on. The decision to open up the priesthood for both genders in 1958 was a milestone in the women’s liberation movement ...