Department of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion / Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion: Recent submissions
Now showing items 201-220 of 422
Religionsdialogens mening - En religionssociologisk studie av deltagande i Interreligiösa Centret i Göteborg
(2016-01-28)The following thesis makes an effort to present, analyze and discuss the subject of religious dialogue and individuals who participate in activities surrounding it. The result is presented with data regarding the demographic ... -
Barn per se eller som periphrasis? En studie om användandet av ’barn’ i fem berättelser ur synoptikerna
(2016-01-26)The purpose of this study is to examine the intention of the synoptic’ use of ’children’ in five selected stories: ’Jesus and the children’, ’Who is the greatest?’, ’The entrance ticket of heaven’, ’The demand of discipleship’ ... -
Låt mig vara, kvinna. En undersökning av hur de tidiga åhörarna kan ha uppfattat ljudlandskapet i dialogerna mellan Jesus och kvinnorna i Johannesevangeliet
(2016-01-26)One thing about the Gospel of John is that it is written to be listened to in the first place, not to be read. Our problem, when we're reading the dialoges, is that we can't hear how Jesus or the women sounded when they ... -
Kenosis och Begär - En teologisk undersökning av spiritualitet, kroppslighet och bemyndigande i Etty Hillesums dagböcker och brev
(2016-01-25)In the past decades a movement towards the mystical tradition has taken place in academic theology. This raises questions on gender and the relationship between human corporeality and the divine. In this essay the feminist ... -
Thinking back and thinking forward – through her own split. En metateoretisk studie om självbiografisk metod och trauma hos Shoshana Felman och Maxine Hong Kingston
(2015-12-01)Is it possible to speak or write about yourself, if you are considered, or experience yourself, as not able or allowed to do so? Can a person gain subjectivity and agency in limited situations? In this study I outline a ... -
The Post-revolutionary Hierocracy in Iran: Fundamentalism or populism?
(2015-10-23)Few words are being used so frequently in the study of religion as the word fundamentalism. Even though the term was coined more than a century ago, it was with the establishment of the post-revolutionary hierocracy in ... -
Mukti in Kristapurana. How Thomas Stephens S.J. (1549-1619) conveys a Christian message of salvation in words with Hindu connotations
(2015-10-13)This thesis examines how the English Jesuit Father Thomas Stephens used a language full of Hindu connotations for conveying a Christian message in his Marathi epic Kristapurāṇa, written in Goa in the early years of the ... -
DÉSORDRES À PONDICHÉRY. A Paratextual Study of a Novel on a French Trading Post in India in the Late 1930s
(2015-10-05)The novel Désordres à Pondichéry by Georges Delamare (1897-1988) was published in Paris in 1938, dealing with the current situation in the French trading post Pondichéry. A preface by right-wing author Claude Farrère ... -
"Låt oss kollidera våra kloka huvuden". Montecore i undervisningen för svenska 3
(2015-10-05)The aim of this study in literature didactics is to examine how a novel can be used in a Swedish language classroom in the course “Svenska 3”. According to the syllabus, pupils must learn how to analyse the main theme, ... -
”INN I DE DYPE SKOGERS FAVN” Inre och yttre rum i norsk black metal
(2015-09-18)Emerging in Norway during the early 1990s, black metal is a music oriented youth subculture with a dramatic contemporary history which has occasionally been subject to intense media attention. Insofar the academic world ... -
En studie av det kvinnliga berättandets begränsningar och möjligheter i Inger Edelfeldts novell ”Riktig kärlek”.
(2015-09-18)The focus of the essay is to study aspects of female narration in the short story “Riktig kärlek” in the short story collection Riktig kärlek by Inger Edelfeldt. These aspects will also be contextualized using theories of ... -
Moses på filmduken. En filmanalys av två filmadaptioners framställningar av Exodus-berättelsen
(2015-07-28)Background - Previous studies show that religiously themed film adaptations mainly reflect biblical events with Jesus in focus. Adaptations can depict events and characters in many different ways, with varying compliance ... -
Gud och människa - Gudsbild och människosyn i två barnbiblar
(2015-07-28)The thesis/dissertation intends to examine how God and man are portrayed in two (different) children’s bibles. This is then analyzed with a narratological framework. The empirical material is based on Bibel för barn (1995) ... -
The Discourse of Religion in Swedish Secular Humanism. A Discursive study of religion and the secular in the Swedish Humanist Association
(2015-06-29)This study combines the two scholarly fields of studying atheism and secular humanism and the discursive approach of studying the uses of the category “religion” in socio-political interests. As an empirical case, the study ... -
Aktioner och reaktioner - Kristna kvinnors motreaktioner till Femens aktioner i en proteströrelse på internet
(2015-06-25)Religion is not only manifested in the more traditional forms such as church attendance, but also in various expressions on social media. Facebook is seen by many as creating a social platform where different opinions and ... -
Först mörkret, sedan théosis. En studie av Johannes av Korsets själens dunkla natt ur ett théosisperspektiv
(2015-06-25)This thesis is an analysis of St. John of the Cross’ treatise The Dark Night of the Soul from an Eastern Orthodox perspective, focusing on elements of classical theology of théosis and lim ... -
To Die in Rage. Violence, masculinity and aesthetics in the narrative of ISIS
(2015-06-25)The aim of this thesis is to map general themes which the Islamic Sate of Sham (ISIS) presents in its media, both textual and visual, in order to pin down the group’s constitutionalizing narrative. The study focuses on the ... -
Skapad ex nihilo. Om skapelsens konsekvenser för människans vara
(2015-06-25)This thesis discusses the existential consequences for the human being in creatio ex nihilo, where the main subjects of discussion are contingency, freedom and identity. The starting-point of the discussion lies in the ... -
Logos som grund för en könsneutral Gud
(2015-06-25)The purpose of this thesis is to examine the Greek expression Logos found in the Gospel of John, to discover if it is possible to expand the term in such a way that female, male and gender neutral imagery of God can be ... -
"Religion" i public service. Hur är det tänkt?
(2015-06-25)The essay explores how the category ‘religion’ occurs and functions in the regulatory documents governing the Swedish public service companies. The study also highlights Swedens changed religious demographics and the ...