Department of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion / Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion: Recent submissions
Now showing items 401-420 of 422
Det döda ägget. En studie av den vediska antropogonin
(2010-08-23) -
Fr. Alexander Schmemann och Kyrkan som mysterion
(2010-06-28)What is the Church? This question has been asked in many times and places. In Sweden, it seems as if there's a general identity crisis among the churches. It seems like many churches don't know why they exist, or at least ... -
Etiken och det heliga En studie av relationen mellan etiken och det heliga i Giorgio Agambens och Emmanuel Levinas filosofier
(2010-06-23)The first aim of this study is to discuss and try to understand the relationship between the holy and ethics, and more specifically how it can be understood, which is the critical question that I have formulated, in ... -
Islam på universitetet. En innehållsanalys av islamisk predikan på Chalmers
(2010-06-23)This paper analyzes the content of eight Islamic Friday-sermons, held at Chalmers Technical University in Gothenburg in spring 2010, organized by Chalmers Islamiska Förening (CIF) (Chalmers Islamic community). The forces ... -
KONUNGAVÄLDE ELLER FOLKVÄLDE? Kristen press om rösträttsreformen 1907-11 och borggårdskrisen 1914
(2010-06-22)This paper seeks to clarify the attitudes and positions of five Swedish Christian newspapers in relation to the Suffrage reform (1907-11) and the Courtyard crisis (1914). Furthermore I try to investigate the reasons ... -
Förnuft till döds? Debatten om Georg Henrik von Wrights bok: Vetenskapen och förnuftet
(2010-04-09)This paper relates a debate on a book Vetenskapen och förnuftet (1986) written by the Scandinavian philosopher Georg Henrik von Wright (1916 - 2003). The book brings up fate of mankind, raising the question if human rational ... -
I vilken utsträckning relaterar unga muslimer till vänster-högerskalan i svensk politik?: En fallstudie från SUMs ungdomskonferens 2009
(2010-03-11)To what extent do young Muslims relate to the left-right-scale in Swedish politics?: A case study from SUM’s youth conference of 2009. English Abstract In Sweden there seem to be a growing concern about young people’s ... -
Guds manifestation genom profeterna. Flavius Josefus syn på den hebreiska profetismen - En studie av Antiquitates Judaicae bok 5-11
(2010-03-03)Den judiske historieskrivaren Flavius Josefus som i Rom skrev sitt verk Antiquitates Judaicae om det hebreiska folkets historia betonade starkt den hebreiska profetismen, profeterna och profetian. Den tidiga kristna kyrkan ...