Magisteruppsatser / Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 21-40 av 93
Holy Hybridity. On the Role of Mixture in the Holy Sphere
(2020-06-22)The purpose of this essay is to explore the role of mixture in relation to holiness and separation. By examining the angelic hosts, specifically the cherubim, as hybrids, and how they relate to the holy realm and the divine, ... -
Bedömingspraktiker i Religionsvetenskap - En kvalitativ studie om hur lärare i religionskunskap förhåller sig till olika bedömningspraktiker
(2020-06-17)The aim of this study is to explore how five teachers in the subject of religion implement assessment in their classes. The study will take place in five different schools, where four teachers are working in upper secondary ... -
Ett mer mångfacetterat mörker Grå bikaraktärer i Collins Hungerspelssvit
(2020-03-06)The study introduces the concept of gray secondary characters. A gray character is round and dynamic, and his/her true loyalty is camouflaged by the author for a more diversified darkness. The good and bad sides of the ... -
Från hederlig till ockrare. En studie av allosemitism i svensk press, 1810-1840
(2020-02-19)This thesis examines, via a method of discourse analysis, the allosemitic discourse and the conceptual ‘Jew’ in the Swedish press during hree separate five-year periods: 1813–1817, 1824–1828, and 1836–1840. The study focuses ... -
En postmodern PrometheusNatur, teknikoch transtematik i Frankisssteinav Jeanette Winterson
(2020-01-23)This essay applies a trans ecological perspective to the transgender motif in Jeanette Winterson’s novel Frankissstein. A love story, a novel about transhumanism, artificial intelligence and humans relationships ... -
A Narrative Critique of The Saami Bear Myth
(2019-02-04)The Saami bear myth has in the research been closely tied to the bear hunting ritual. When the ritual has been discussed the myth has been narrated and after that the researcher has continued with the bear hunt. There has ... -
Helgon, familjen och världen. En hagiografisk studie av efterföljelse som världstransformerande kraft
(2018-08-06)This hagiographical study deals with Christian saints, in the broad sense of the word, who, in the pursuit of following Christ, have transgressed the will of their biological family. By employing the historical narrative ... -
Traditioner och gränsdragning. Två perspektiv på filosofi i Sverige under senare hälften av 1900-talet
(2018-07-05)The purpose of this thesis is to study the philosophical developments in Swedish philosophy during the latter half of the twentieth century as a tension between what can be called an analytical and a continental philosophy. ... -
Slaven, celibatet och queera kastrater. Om maskulinitetskritiska och queerteologiska perspektiv på Matteus 19:11-12
(2018-06-20)This essay considers analyses from queer theology and theological masculinity studies relating to aspects of gender and sexuality in Matthew 19:11-12. Examination of interpretations from these perspectives often focus on ... -
”Hon plockar fram dem med kärleksfulla händer” En diskursanalys av tidskriften 'Korsväg' beträffande genuskonstruktioner
(2018-06-20)This essay takes as its point of departure the question: how does the magazine Korsväg form and regulate socially constructed cathegories related to gender? The purpose of this essay is to examine the magazine Korsväg, ... -
Profeten Jona. En receptionshistorisk analys av utvalda antika judiska respektive kristna källor
(2018-06-20)This essey addresses the reception history of Jonah the prophet. Today, Jonah's book is a bit of a hidden one. However, during late senegation, this book became important in two traditions; the jewish and the christian. ... -
Den gode herdens vallhund. Konfirmanders och medarbetares erfarenheter av hundens medverkan i konfirmationen
(2018-06-20)In John 10:11, Jesus proclaims “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” The shepherd dog’s main mission is to assist the shepherd in driving the livestock in a desired direction. Can ... -
Det växtrelaterade bildspråket i Hosea bok. Kan kunskap om växtförädling påverka vår förståelse av bildspråket i Hosea bok?
(2018-06-20)The purpose is to study Hosea's use of plant symbols in his metaphorical language, and in addition to this, how aspects of plant breeding in his times may have influenced the author's use of plant symbolism in the Book of ... -
Asylsökande konvertiter och myndighetens katekesförhör. En studie om konvertiters asylprocess med Migrationsverket
(2018-01-26)This essay examines twelve interview protocols from the Swedish Board of Migration done with converts who claim their conversion as reason for asylum. The aim of the study is twofold: To understand the Migration Board´s ... -
Helande i NT:s evangelier. Initiativtagande, genomförande och konsekvenser i helandenarrativ
(2018-01-26)This essay investigates healing narratives in the Gospels of the New Testament of the Bible. The research question is: Which tendencies are possible to identify in the healing narratives of the Gospel concerning initiative, ... -
Förbön i Pauli brev och i "Kyrkans förbön". En jämförande studie av förböner i Paulus brev och i Svenska kyrkans handböcker 1986 och 2016
(2017-06-28)The goal of this research is to investigate if a thread exists, from how intercessory prayers were written in Paul’s letters to today’s liturgy in the Swedish Church. The main question this research aims to answer is: Does ... -
Väckelsens kloster - en studie av den monastiska vändningen i frikyrkligheten
(2017-06-14)This essay explores what I call ”the monastic turn” in the free church and evangelical tradition. The specific purpose of the investigation has been to sketch the challenges posed to the monastic turn from previous research ... -
Landsbygdens uttolkare - Bilder av landsbygdens relation till samhällets modernisering: en undersökning av Lantbruksförbundets Tidskriftsförlags bokutgivningar under 1940-talet
(2017-04-11)"The rural" contains a broad set of ideas concerning what is regarded as central aspects of human life and culture. The countryside is often used to visualize certain aspects of humanity, such as how human life is most ... -
Förhärdad eller Förmänskligad? Hur evangelisten Matteus bearbetat evangelisten Markus bild av Judas Iskariot
(2017-03-22)Judas Iscariot is an intriguing figure: Both one of Jesus’ twelve closest disciples and the one who turned him over to the Roman and Jewish authorities, at the same time a figure who seems to have played a crucial role in ... -
Verklighetens tolkar. Objektivt berättande och verklighetsframställningar i Jan Myrdals Rapport från kinesisk by och Per Olov Enquists Legionärerna
(2017-03-01)The aim of this essay is to investigate and compare the methods that Jan Myrdal and Per Olov Enquist use in Report from a Chinese Village and The Legionnaires in order to reflect reality. To do so I use different theories ...