Masteruppsatser / Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 1-20 av 78
Med äran i behåll Gloria och Virtus i Ciceros tal mot Antonius
(2022-11-10)This essay, by applying principles derived from the thought of Quentin Skinner, explores the Roman concepts of gloria and virtus in the prose literature of the late Roman Republic, primarily in the writings of (in order ... -
En våg från framtiden En materiell ekokritisk läsning av P C Jersilds Efter floden
(2022-08-16)This study explores how different kinds of matter interact and intra-act with each other and with the human dimension in Jersild’s Efter floden. This according to the notion that these intra-actions produce configurations ... -
Jean-Paul Sartre och konsten: Bildfilosofi, Existentialism och Biografi i Sartres konstnärstexter om Alexander Calder, Alberto Giacometti, Robert Lapoujade och Tintoretto
(2022-06-22)Sartre ́s writings about artists and their artistic works in the 1940s until the1960s seems to be related to his biographical writings about authors, his phenomenological philosophy of imagination based on Husserl ́s ... -
Längtande Kroppar: Höga Visan som Pedagogik för Begären
(2022-06-22)This study explores how the Song of Songs could and should be interpreted in its own form, i.e., as erotic poetry, and on the basis of sexual desire. The common interpretation of the Song of Songs as an allegory of the ... -
Etik i klimatförändringens tid - en jämförelse mellan den antika dygdeetiken och vår samtida ekofilosofiska diskurs
(2022-06-20)Climate changes is a real threat against a prosperous planet. According to reports from The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is it now urgent to change direction concerning carbon dioxide emissions, ... -
Do Not Forsake Me, O God. Doctrinal Representation of God, Dualistic Literalism, and Attachment to God
(2022-06-17)The present study examines the relationship between individuals’ doctrinal and experiential representation of God, by inquiring for associations between dualistic literalism and attachment to God. By dualistic literalism ... -
“On an ecliptic Tuesday or Saturday the Tantrik practises several black arts.”
(2022-05-12)This thesis investigates descriptions of Tantra within nineteenth to twentieth century Theosophy. 34 accounts from two Theosophical periodicals, The Theosophist (1879–) and Lucifer (1887–97) published between the years ... -
”Mu eallin” – genrens funktion i Mikael Niemis roman Koka björn
(2022-05-10)This master’s thesis studies the functions of the genres in Swedish author Mikael Niemi’s novel To Cook a Bear (2017). The plot is set in Kengis in 1852 and is told through two protagonists: the priest and Jussi Sieppinen. ... -
Den afrikanska Pentekostalismens föränderliga ansikte: Processer och konsekvenser av rörelsens utvecklig i Sydafrika.
(2022-01-20)I litteraturstudien ”Den afrikanska Pentekostalismens föränderliga ansikte - Processer och konsekvenser av rörelsens utveckling i Sydafrika” undersöks på fyra huvudfrågor: Hur ser den Neo-Pentekostala rörelsen ut i Sydafrika ... -
Gabrielle Suchons ord till kvinnan (Textuella förutsättningar, språkliga ytterligheter och symboliskt värde)
(2021-12-08)Gabrielle Suchon (1632-1703), was a seventeenth century philosopher, convinced by the equality of the sexes. Her debut thesis, Ethics and Politics - Divided into Three Parts: Freedom, Knowledge and Authority, is regarded ... -
Samtida mottagande och sentida litteraturhistorieskrivning - Amalia Fahlstedt, en 1880-talsförfattarinna
(2021-09-07)Amalia Fahlstedt (1853 – 1923) was a Swedish author of the 1880s. Her debut I flygten: berättelser (1882) contains a couple of short stories and a realistic approach, a common feature of the time. Her main theme was gender ... -
Jagets reflektion. En studie av överlappningen mellan självframställning av identitet och självreflexiv poetologi inom poesi
(2021-07-05)The study examines the overlap between productions of self-identity and self-reflexive poetology in contemporary Swedish poetry. In the recent decades, modern poetics has increasingly expressed itself self-reflectively, ... -
Från stat till marknad Apoteksväsendet och nyliberaliseringen i den politisk-ekonomiska diskursen, 1968–2008
(2021-06-16)This thesis examines the shift in the Swedish politico-economic discourse between 1968-2008, using the pharmacy sector as a case study. Through the framework of discourse analysis outlined by Laclau & Mouffe (1985), I study ... -
Jagets reflektion. En studie av överlappningen mellan självframställning av identitet och självreflexiv poetologi inom poesi
(2021-06-16)The study examines the overlap between productions of self-identity and self-reflexive poetology in contemporary Swedish poetry. In the recent decades, modern poetics has increasingly expressed itself self-reflectively, ... -
Droppar i rashavet: En vithetskritisk läsning av Maria Sandels Droppar i folkhavet
(2021-06-16)Although critical whiteness studies have yet to form a stable footing within the Swedish literary academia, its recognition within the field is increasing. The recent surge in research concerning early Swedish working-class ... -
Kvinnors rättigheter eller exploatering av kvinnor? Den polariserade prostitutionsdebatten
(2021-04-12)This study elaborates on Swedish ideas on prostitution, in contemporary debates as well as throughout history. The aim of this study is to explore current views on prostitution in the public Swedish debate by relating them ... -
The Human and the Creation in Relation to the Narrative of the Divine An Ecological Reading of the Letter to the Romans in Comparison with 4QInstruction
(2021-01-28)The aim of this study is to elaborate on an ecological reading of Romans in comparison to 4QInstruction. In a literary analysis, recognizing figurative language, intertextuality and conceptual metaphor theory, the underlying ... -
Catholic Public Theology on YouTube: The Articulation of Public Theology on Social Media
(2021-01-28)This study explores the articulation of Catholic public theology on the social media platform YouTube. To do this it works with both a minimal and maximal definition of public theology and establishes several markers and ... -
WOMENʼS WOVEN WEB - Activating the Biographical Dictionary of Swedish Women through Social Network Narratives
(2020-11-23)When the Biographical Dictionary of Swedish Women (Svenskt kvinnobiografiskt lexikon, SKBL), became freely available online, it opened the opportunity to examine and transform its text-based content in new ways. The purpose ... -
The Discipline of the Seas: Piracy and Polity in England, 1688-1698
(2020-10-29)This thesis is a study of the changing legal and political climate surrounding piracy in England in the years 1688-1698, between the Glorious Revolution and the passing in parliament of the Piracy Act 1698. During this ...