Masteruppsatser / Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 78
Augmented Reality in the Museum: Creating and Evaluating an AR Mobile Application in an Exhibition
(2020-09-08)The purpose of this thesis is to map the process of making an AR application using 3D models for a museum, and study visitors’ experience of the application and investigate if the application generates a more meaningful ... -
Dans och framtid. 1890 års Ghost Dance-rörelse och de nordamerikanska ursprungsfolkens religiösa praktiker i svensk-amerikanska tidningar, 1857-1891
(2020-09-01)This thesis examines how Swedish-American newspapers portrayed the Ghost Dance movement of 1890 and the aftermaths following the associated Wounded Knee massacre on December 29th the corresponding year. The period of the ... -
Låt oss dras in i Herrens härlighet. En liturgisk-teologisk undersökning av sambandet mellan kristologi och ecklesiologi i Hebreerbrevet
(2020-06-22)The purpose of this study is to decipher the liturgical-theological significance of the Christology of the Epistle to the Hebrews for the sake of indicating that these ideas may contribute to an understanding of the Church ... -
Icke-ideologins spektrum [Ideologins gränser och samhällsformationens rörelser i marxistisk teori]
(2020-06-18)This essay examines the field of ideology and its theoretical context: the social formation, based on Louis Althusser’s and Karl Marx’s writings on the topics. By constructive readings of several works by the aforementioned ... -
Konst i centrum En undersökning av två kontroversiella verk i Göteborgs offentliga miljö
(2020-05-13)This master’s thesis in history of ideas is an interdisciplinary study which engages in the aspect of urban planning, public art and cultural policy through the analysis of two different types of public displays in Gothenburg. ... -
Grepp om begreppen IB-elevers användning av litteraturvetenskaplig terminologi
(2020-03-06)This study investigates the use of literary terminology in student poetry commentaries. 40 upper secondary school literature students on the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme are asked to note down their ... -
Den primitiva kelten Den rasistiska bilden av den irländska kelten inom den viktorianska antropologin under 1850- och 1860-talen
(2020-01-29)This thesis explores the racist assumptions pertaining to the Irish Celts during the Victorian era as it is expressed within the anthropological thought of the age. These assumptions are explored in The Races of Men ... -
Att föreställa sig världen En jämförande studie mellan två världslitteraturteorier
(2020-01-21)This thesis takes interest in a theoretical turn in world literature studies; from a focus on extratextual aspects, such as the global circulation of literary works, to intratextual aspects, such as literary works’ ... -
Texts and Paratexts in a Colonial Context. Krupabai Satthianadhan's English Novels 'Saguna' and 'Kamala'
(2020-01-15)The anglophone Indian author Krupabai Satthianadhan (1862-1894) was a second-generation Christian convert and a member of the Christian Tamil family in colonial Madras. Knowledge of English was still a high-caste male ... -
Konstnärlig forskning = poetik? En studie av de första doktorsavhandlingarna i litterär gestaltning i relation till poetiken som litterär tradition och modern genre
(2019-11-28)In an article published in the Swedish Research Council’s Artistic Research Yearbook from 2004, the author and literary scholar Gunnar D Hansson indicated that artistic research in literary composition is comparable to ... -
”Spiced with skåls” Bilden av det skandinaviska i Mary Howitts översättning av Fredrika Bremers Strid och frid
(2019-09-17)This essay examines the 1844 English translation of Fredrika Bremer’s novel Strife and Peace (first published in Swedish in 1840) made by Mary Howitt. This translation is partly compared to a German translation from 1841 ... -
Religion och andlighet i livets slutskede. En etnografisk studie av den instituionella döden
(2019-09-03)The overall aim of this study was to gain knowledge about the institutionalized death in contemporary Sweden and the experiences of death expressed both by care recipients and health professionals. The theoretical framework ... -
"Maktens musik, Svensktoppens och hitlistornas eländiga dravel". Om progg, kommersiell musik och hegemoni i Musikens Makt 1973-1977
(2019-08-07)This essay examines the Swedish magazine Musikens Makt (The Power of Music) between the years of 1973 and 1977. This magazine was the dominant pop-music magazine during the 70s, and defined itself as a nexus for the so-called ... -
Makten att beskriva. Ett kritiskt perspektiv på metadata i multimediala arkiv.
(2019-07-05)The study examines the knowledge produced by three cultural heritage resources through their respective metadata practices. It is performed with a critical perspective on descriptive metadata in multimedia, digital resources ... -
Digitala diharar och programmerade pukar: Ett utforskande av spelskapandets potential som akademisk publikationsform samt som verktyg för digitalisering och adaption av kulturarv
(2019-06-25)In this project I have created a game adaption of Swedish folklore regarding milk hares, to evaluate game design as a viable mode of academic publication, and as a way to preserve, adapt and present cultural heritage. ... -
Kan doktorn skriva ut en bok åt mig? En studie om läsbiblioterapins effekt på det psykiska välmåendet hos sex sjukskrivna kvinnor
(2018-10-24)This thesis focuses on an empirical study of six women’s experiences of the reading bibliotherapeutic method while on sick leave, and its effects on their psychological well-being, and it will also discuss questions ... -
Det särskildas platser - om etisk-politisk lokalitet och bioregionala visioner i Gary Snyders tänkande
(2018-07-06)In Gary Snyder’s philosophical essays, questions of place, region, and being inhabitory are closely linked to ethical, political and ecological themes. Where these themes intersect, tensions generate – to the extent of ... -
När de döda talar - om Édouard Glissants Monsieur Toussaint och det förflutnas relation till framtiden
(2018-07-05)In the preface to his play about the Haitian Revolution, Monsieur Toussaint, Édouard Glissant writes that what he has attempted to express with the play is ”a prophetic vision of the past.” The purpose of this thesis is ... -
Den nomadiska historiens kartografi – En aktualisering av det historiska hos Walter Benjamin och Rosi Braidotti
(2018-03-28)The following essay concerns questions about the status of history in Walter Benjamin´s critical philosophy of history and Rosi Braidotti´s nomadic feminism. I conduct a comparative actualization through locating affinities ... -
Sacred Polarities? Exploring the Use of Gendered Language in Three Generations of Contemporary Paganism - From 1954 to 2017
(2018-01-31)This thesis is a preparatory study for future research, and explores the use of gendered language within pagan witchcraft movements between the years 1954-2017, with the purpose of establishing if, and how, the understanding ...