Masteruppsatser / Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 41-60 av 78
Bli hel. Teologisk reflektion kring erfarenheter av förbön för helande hos personer med funktionsnedsättningar
(2018-01-26)The aim of this thesis is to contribute to constructive theology regarding disability and healing, based on experiences of prayer for healing among persons with disabilities. Methodologically, emphasis proceeds from ... -
Svart sida - Svart ruta. Självreflexiv fiktion i adaption mellan medier
(2017-09-19)This thesis examines the process of adapting literary works acknowledged as being highly self-reflexive; works often described as metafictions. Adaptation is in this context understood as both the process of transposing ... -
von Abstraktionen beherrscht: Abstrakt arbete och abstraktionens arbete i Marx ekonomikritik
(2017-09-12)In his Grundrisse manuscripts from 1857, Karl Marx (1818–1883) writes that individuals in the bourgeois society are ”von Abstraktionen beherrscht” – ruled by abstractions. In Das Kapital from 1867 Marx writes that for the ... -
Science Beyond Enchantment. Revisiting the Paradigm of Re-enchantment as an Explanatory Framework for New Age Science
(2017-06-12)A common understanding of scientists within the New Age movement is that they are manifesting a form of re-enchantment and that their ideas should be addressed as natural theologies. This understanding often takes as its ... -
Dhammapada och Bergspredikan. En jämförande studie av två levnadsläror
(2017-06-12)In this thesis I am comparing the Sermon on the Mount in the Gospel of Matthew with the Buddhist text Dhammapada. My purpose is to call attention to the similarities and differences between those prescriptive texts. I also ... -
Beyond Crime and Space. How Quentin Tarantino conveys temporality and spatiality in relation to the characters in Reservoir Dogs
(2017-02-20)In my thesis I examine how the screenplay author and director Quentin Tarantino uses the literary format of the screenplay to convey the spatiality and temporality of the characters in the narrative. I also investigate how ... -
Politikk, frihet og kjærlighet i Goldmans anarkistfeminisme
(2017-02-13)When politics is understood as what happens between people, love is an expression of politics. Love is crucial for freedom: It effects what freedom is, and who can and should be free. Therefore love can both inhibit and ... -
Om provokation – Oseriös musik möter seriös politik: Fallet Philemon vs Grammis 1972
(2017-01-31)The essay deals with a specific case of provocation in the Swedish music counter-culture of the 1970’s, where, in 1972, a few representatives of said movement – due to the apparent popularity of their actively non-mainstream ... -
Konsten som (för)gör mig – Att bli till genom ekfrasen i Tove Janssons verk
(2017-01-27)In my thesis I argue that the creating of one's identity through art and through the expression of art, with ekphrasis and existentialist philosophy as windows, is possible. Tove Jansson's novel Pappan och havet is filled ... -
Den besjälade naturen – naturpoesi och landskapsmåleri i 1890-talets Sverige. Symbolism och naturromantik hos Gustaf Fröding och prins Eugen.
(2017-01-27)The following thesis deals with the motif of nature and landscape within Swedish poetry and visual arts in the 1890s. The aesthetic change at the end of the 1880s towards a style, which more and more sought the opposition ... -
Ett sekel av pentekostal eskatologi. En komparativ studie av den svenska pingströrelsens förändrade eskatologiska betoningar, från Lewi Pethrus bok Jesus kommer (1912) till Teologiska nätverket i Pingst och dess skrift Jesus kommer (2012)
(2016-10-20)Ett sekel av pentekostal eskatologi. En komparativ studie av den svenska pingströrelsens förändrade eskatologiska betoningar, från Lewi Pethrus bok Jesus kommer 1912 till Teologiska nätverket i Pingst och dess skrift Jesus ... -
Betongfeeling. En studie av Nationalteaterns dramatik
(2016-06-30)This thesis examines how five selected dramas by Nationalteatern relates to Swedish working-class literature, but the text also serves the purpose of emphasizing the fact that Nationalteatern should be more recognized in ... -
Frida Stéenhoff och Anarkismen – Stéenhoffs feministiska idéer i ljuset av anarkistisk ideologi.
(2016-06-28)Feminist and social critic Frida Stéenhoff (1865-1945) was groundbreaking in her frankness about free love, sexuality and birth control in early twentieth century Sweden. The interest in her works has despite extensive ... -
A Newer New Age. Irony and the Enchantment of Atheism in Syntheist Religion
(2016-01-29)The purpose of this thesis is to study how the stipulations of religious thought changes as society gets increasingly digitalized, life become more virtual and people get interconnected through the internet. The thesis ... -
Mukti in Kristapurana. How Thomas Stephens S.J. (1549-1619) conveys a Christian message of salvation in words with Hindu connotations
(2015-10-13)This thesis examines how the English Jesuit Father Thomas Stephens used a language full of Hindu connotations for conveying a Christian message in his Marathi epic Kristapurāṇa, written in Goa in the early years of the ... -
”INN I DE DYPE SKOGERS FAVN” Inre och yttre rum i norsk black metal
(2015-09-18)Emerging in Norway during the early 1990s, black metal is a music oriented youth subculture with a dramatic contemporary history which has occasionally been subject to intense media attention. Insofar the academic world ... -
Aktioner och reaktioner - Kristna kvinnors motreaktioner till Femens aktioner i en proteströrelse på internet
(2015-06-25)Religion is not only manifested in the more traditional forms such as church attendance, but also in various expressions on social media. Facebook is seen by many as creating a social platform where different opinions and ... -
Porösa bländverk. En materiellt ekokritisk studie av Hanna Nordenhöks prosa
(2015-06-23)In the Swedish author, poet and critic Hanna Nordenhöks (1977-) novels Promenaderna i Dalbyhage (2011) and Det vita huset i Simpang (2013) the literary characters are often portrayed as diffuse shapes with a subtile ... -
Vilt växande Fula Flickor. Om kvinnoblivande hos Mare Kandre - an analys av "Bübins unge" och "Aliide, Aliide"
(2015-06-23)The purpose of this master’s thesis is to examine from a psychoanalytic point of view how Mare Kandre narrate the complex process when girl becomes woman. Earlier theoretical work concerning Mare Kandre is sparse and limited ... -
När Sanningar Möts. Unga i interreligiös dialog
(2015-03-09)This study centres on the question of how interfaith dialogue can function as a meeting place for young people from different social and cultural backgrounds. The study is based on qualitative interviews with five young ...