Analysis of the Agile Deployment
Nowadays, software project management is
becoming more and more important since a project
needs an organized plan to follow through. There are
two famous models in this area, which are Waterfall
Process Model and Agile Software Development. The
concept of the Waterfall Process Model is that the
requirement analysis has to be done in the beginning
phase, whereas, the Agile Software Development
emphasizes that the requirements are changeable
throughout the process. Thus, it seems that Agile
Software Development is paid more attention to
among software development companies because of
the advantage of flexibility and the allowance of
requirements change. However, the Agile Software
Development is not suitable for every type of
projects and it requires an experienced manager.
Therefore, some questions about the Agile Software
Development may occur. For example, is the Agile
Software Development able to fulfill project
managers’ needs? Do project managers encounter
any problems while executing the Agile Development
Framework? In my master thesis, the usage of the
Agile Software Development used among various
companies will be revealed. Further, suggestions for
those companies with the benefit of literature study
would also be brought up since the companies may
face some unexpected problems during using the
Agile Development Framework.
Master theses
Chen, Yi-Lin
Project Management
Agile Software Development
Iterative Process Model
Software Development
Global Software Development
Project Life
Report/DEpartment of Applied Information Technology