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An empowerment-based school physical activity intervention with adolescents in a disadvantaged community: A transformative mixed methods investigation
(2019-08-16)It is important for the health of adolescents to engage in regular physical activity. The majority of adolescents do not, however, engage in sufficient physical activity to meet contemporary guidelines, and adolescents of ... -
Å lære å undervise i kroppsøving. Design for utvikling av teoribasert undervisning og kritisk refleksjon i kroppsøvingslærerutdanningen
(2015-09-11)Applying pedagogical theory in professional practice and developing critical awareness are important objectives in teacher education in Sweden. Current evidence indicates that these objectives are difficult to achieve in ... -
Bra liv i Gårdsten – när invånarna själva får råda
(Göteborgs universitet, 2018)Denna rapport beskriver ett projekt som drivs av några invånare från Gårdsten och en forskargrupp från Göteborgs Universitet och Västra Götalandsregionen. Målet för projektet är att identifiera vad som gör att man kan ... -
Education for Sustainable Food Consumption in Home and Consumer Studies
(2018-02-08)Education as a means to enable sustainable food consumption has gained increasing recognition as a vital means to decrease current burdens upon both natural resources and human health. In response, the Swedish compulsory ... -
Extrem jakt på hälsa. En explorativ studie om ortorexia nervosa.
(2016-01-15)Orthorexia nervosa was termed by the physician, Bratman, in the late 1990s. He defined it as an unhealthy obsession with eating healthy food to achieve ‘optimal’ health. The term has since received attention in science ... -
Food, body weight, and health among adolescents in the digital age: An explorative study from a health promotion perspective
(2018-04-16)The overall aim of this thesis was to explore adolescents’ relationship with food, body weight, and health communication in online digital media, as well as how adolescents experience participating in a health ... -
Framåt Marsch! Ridlärarrollen från dåtid till samtid med perspektiv på framtid
(2017-02-23)Swedish riding schools are characterized by a traditional stable culture that originated in army practices. The riding instructors reinforce these military traditions. Nevertheless, riding instructors and riding schools ... -
Game demands and fatigue profiles in elite football – an individual approach -Implications for training and recovery strategies
(2019-04-12)The physical activities performed during a football game are of intermittent prolonged character, including explosive actions and running at different speeds. The prolonged intermittent activities are conjoined with periods ... -
Hälsocoach i skolan - En utvärderande fallstudie av en hälsofrämjande intervention
(2016-05-27)Today young school children in Sweden spend less time taking part in physical activities, compared to what they did 15-20 years ago. Physical activity is a major health component, which can make children maintain or increase ... -
How to Make Bicycling Safer - Identification and Prevention of Serious Injuries among Bicyclists
(2019-08-28)The overall aim of this thesis was to guide current and future safety improvements that address serious injuries among bicyclists. The thesis is compiled by four studies, of which the first two aimed to identify injuries ... -
I skuggan av NHL
(Göteborgs universitet, 2012) -
Idrotten sätter agendan. En studie av Riksidrottsgymnasietränares handlande utifrån sitt dubbla uppdrag
(2014-11-14)This study aims to describe and analyse the actions of the school coaches at the National sport upper secondary schools in light of the conditions that govern and shape the activities at those schools. The theoretical ... -
Idrottsprofilerad utbildning - i spåren av en avreglerad skola
(2014-08-29)This thesis aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of the Swedish school sports system, a system which has evolved since the beginning of the 1970s, the prevalence of which has increased significantly at all school ... -
Lärande av rörelseförmåga i idrott och hälsa ur ett praktikutvecklande perspektiv
(2019-04-25)The aim of this investigation was to explore how the connections between teaching and learning about movement capability in the school subject physical education and health can be developed and transferred through research ... -
Mästarcoacherna. Att bli, vara och utvecklas som tränare inom svensk elitfotboll
(2016-04-08)This thesis aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of what it means to learn to become, be and develop as a coach in Swedish male professional football. The theoretical framework is inspired by sociocultural perspectives ... -
Nordic stakeholders and sustainable catering
(2011-02-03)Sustainability deficits in modern food systems are widely reported and changes in food habits towards more sustainable eating patterns, including eating seasonal and locally produced food, have been suggested to minimise the ... -
Nutrition in Olympic Combat Sports. Elite athletes’ dietary intake, hydration status and experiences of weight regulation
(2013-03-22)There are a number of sports in which competition is conducted with weight limits or weight classes. In one-on-one combative sport, such rules are enforced to create an equal playing level and minimize the risk of injury ... -
Overuse injuries in Swedish elite athletics - Incidence, occurrence, athlete availability, and risk factors
(2021-02-05)The overall aim of this thesis was to explore three aspects of overuse injuries in elite Swedish athletics. The thesis is compiled of four papers, of which the first one is a study protocol. Paper II (n=58) aimed to gain ...