Social mediestrategi - En studie om medarbetarens roll vid agerande i sociala medier
Purpose: The purpose of the essay is; to explain and clarify how the company is acting to lead members in social media to achieve valuable external communication. The authors believe that it is important to act with credibility and quality in social media, to accomplish long lasting relationships. When employees communicate with consumers their conduct is relevant to the company's credibility.
Methodology: An inductive approach has been used for the empirical data collection since the authors have been studying the reality without existing theories. A qualitative research method has been used for collecting the empirical material. Primary data was collected from telephone interviews with seven companies, active in social media.
Conclusions: The study shows that the power of employees’ can be used when designing strategies for social media. Other factors that companies can take advantage of when using the strengths of employees are; aloe them to be active in social media, present their skills and knowledge and by showing the employees with name and position the company create personal relationships with the consumers. The company should use tools as guidelines and policies, have a good internal communication and give the employees continuous education to guide them in the conduct of social media.
Student essay
Svensson, Malinda
Thulin, Isabelle
Social media