TCG Nordica and ArtsNordica – A study of in what way artistic meetings can increase dialogue and understanding between people with different cultural backgrounds.
The aim of this thesis is to further enhance our understanding of the way in which dialogue and understanding
can increase between artists, with different cultural backgrounds. A meeting can lead to increased dialogue and
understanding as well as increased stigma and prejudices. Hence, I study what constitute the difference, what
determines that outcome.
In order to do so, I study TCG Nordica, a culture centre situated in China, and ArtsNordica, a network. By
interviewing personnel and artists about their experiences we can learn from TCG Nordica and ArtsNordica’s
way of working.
In order to analyze the results I create a theoretical framework, where I make use of Michail Bakhtin’s
understanding and definition of dialogue and understanding and combine that with the theories of intercultural
education, which gives valuable insight of how understanding is created. Moreover, the theories of Lev
Vygotsky are an important part of the theoretical framework. Furthermore, theories of otherness, including post-
colonialism, post-structuralism, Orientalism and Occidentalism are used as a theoretical framework. The concept
“culture” is discussed and used as a perspective through which the analysis is made.
The conclusion of this thesis is that there are several factors that affect the outcome of the collaboration in terms
of dialogue and understanding. I have found great potentials in working with art in different ways. However,
differences, openness, mutuality respect, human dignity, respect, flexibility and friendships are found to be
important factors. Further, I find it important to help and support the collaboration in different ways. Finally, the
leader of the collaboration and projects are found to be important for the outcomes.
This thesis is of importance for every one who is working as a pedagogue and teacher in various situations,
especially within artistic subjects and in multi-cultural environments. It enhances the understanding of how one
can work to increase dialogue and understanding between people.
Student essay
Brandström, Emanuelle
Artistic meeting