Lärares tal och barns nyfikenhet: Kommunikation om naturvetenskapliga innehåll i förskolan
The aim of this thesis is to generate new knowledge about how children and teachers
communicate scientific contents in preschool. The general research question is formulated as:
How do the object of learning and the act of learning appear in communication about
scientific contents in preschool? This thesis is a collection of three (previously published)
empirical studies and takes shape in the encounter between a projected knowledge acquisition
task for preschool and the educational tradition of preschool.
The research approach is based primarily on phenomenography focussing on developmental
pedagogy. The results are discussed in relation to situated learning and the assumptions about
the task of preschool characterising the social practice that is brought to light. The thesis is
based on the assumption that teachers are bearers of taken-for-granted ideas about what the
„good preschool‟ is, and that these ideas affect the way they interpret new tasks.
The empirical basis consists of video observations from two preschools working with
different thematic projects: Life in the tree stump and How soil is formed. The analysis is delimited
to the verbal communication occurring between children and teachers about the scientific
content. The children are aged between three and six years. All observations have been
transcribed to text and analysed according to the following research questions: Study I: (i)
What is communicated as the object of learning in the theme work about natural scientific
phenomena in the preschool studied? (ii) What acts of learning appear in the communication
of the object of learning? Study II is a re-analysis of the linguistic usage in the empirical data
from Study I. Research questions of Study II are: is there any systematic pattern in the use of
anthropomorphic speech regarding (i) who uses this language, (ii) when it is used and (iii) what
it is used for? Study III is delimited to children‟s perspective, and the research questions are:
(i) What do children ask about during theme work with a natural scientific process in
preschool? (ii) Can any tendency towards change be discerned with regard to what kind of
questions children ask in the course of the theme work?
The results have thrown light on what natural science is in these preschools, a questioning
teacher, an education ideal as an interpretative framework and children‟s meeting with the
object of learning. The results are discussed in relation to a feasible didactic perspective based
on the educational ideal of preschool and in relation to a critical didactic perspective
concerning teachers‟ will, courage and competence to make the content visible. Finally, with
the implementation of the raised knowledge task for preschool in mind, prominence is given
to the need of critical reflection over the role of language as maintaining a discourse and the
concepts established.
Parts of work
Delstudie I Thulin, Susanne. (2006). Vad händer med lärandets objekt? En studie av hur lärare och barn i förskolan kommunicerar naturvetenskapliga fenomen?Licentiatavhandling i pedagogik. Växjö: Växjö University Press. http://lnu.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?searchId=1&pid=diva2:204806 Delstudie II. Thulin, Susanne & Pramling, Niklas.(2009). Anthropomorphically speaking: on communication between teachers
and children in early childhood biology education',International Journal of Early Years Education,17:2,137 — 150
:: DOI:: 10.1080/09669760902982331
URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09669760902982331 Delstudie III. Thulin, Susanne. (2010). Barns frågor under en naturvetenskpalig aktivitet i förskolan. In Nordisk Barnehageforskning, 3(1), 11-124. http://grundtvig.hio.no/index.php/nordiskbarnehageforskning/article/view/99/47
Doctor of Philosophy
Göteborgs universitet. Utbildningsvetenskapliga fakulteten
University of Gothenburg. Faculty of Education
Department of Education, Communication and Learning ; Institutionen för pedagogik, kommunikation och lärande
Fredagen den 10 juni, klockan 13.00 i sal 07-318 (aulan), Högskolan Kristianstad
Date of defence
Other description
Susanne Thulin är medlem av den Nationella Forskarskolan i Barndom, lärande, ämnesdidaktik (FoBa). Föreliggande avhandling är den första doktorsavhandling som publiceras i anslutning till forskarskolan.
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Thulin, Susanne
Early childhood education
Publication type
Doctoral thesis
Series/Report no.
Gothenburg Studies in Educational Sciences