Are Swedish Firms Ready For Real Options?
This study deals with Real Option Analysis. This is a powerful method of capital budgeting which also
encompasses strategic planning. The method is praised and hailed by the scientific community but however
is not well used in practice. There have been many potential reasons aired as to why Real Option
Analysis has not gained more wide spread acceptance in practice. The authors have chosen to, through a
qualitative study; look into the potential mismatch between Swedish firms‟ organizational systems and
structures and what may be required to successfully implement Real Option Analysis. A broad literature
study has been conducted to acquaint the reader with potential problems encountered when using Real
Options Analysis. Specifically, what Real Option Analysis demands from a firm in terms of organizational
systems, structures as well as other soft values in order to be implemented successfully is comprehensively
examined. This is then compared and contrasted to how the five interviewed Swedish firms were
described. The study has lead the authors to the conclusion that for Real Option Analysis to function fully
and correctly, many firms need to amend their organizational structures to make sure the options present
in the company are exercised in a correct and timely fashion. Equally, the authors have identified a factor
regarding an options mindset that entails that for a firm to even see the need for applying ROA, they first
have to start viewing their business as containing options and flexibility.
Student essay
Monberg, Carl
Hajar, Yaaser
Industriell och finansiell ekonomi