Balancing Conflicting Interests -A Case Study of the Sahlgrenska University Hospital
Problem background: The Swedish health care system is experiencing increases in demand
at the same time as funds and resources remains at a static level. Consequently, efficiency has
become a vital part of hospital management and aims at maintaining the same level of quality
and accessibility of healthcare services while minimising the use of resources. Hospital
management is, however, made out of a strong medical profession and exposed to conflicting
interests related to the process of improving efficiency. We have therefore chosen to study
how the medical profession and conflicting interests affect the process of improving
efficiency at a specific hospital, the Sahlgrenska University Hospital.
Aim of study: The aim of this thesis is to investigate how managers at the Sahlgrenska
University Hospital handles conflicting interests that arise from the pressures of creating a
more efficient organisation. Furthermore, we aim to study how the presence of the medical
profession affects the process of creating better efficiency.
Limitations: Our thesis was conducted as a case study of the Sahlgrenska University
Hospital. A significant drawback to the scientific credibility of the thesis is that only three
clinic managers have been interviewed.
Method: The thesis has taken the form of a case study that has been conducted with a
qualitative research approach. The empirical study consists of five personal interviews and
has together with the theoretical framework been the basis for the analysis of the thesis.
Conclusion: The medical profession does not oppose the process of making the hospital more
efficient as long it is beneficial to the individual patients. However, we have identified that
the present management control system has failed to balance conflicting interests and those
have become amplified through a focus on cost reduction. We have, therefore, recognised that
a management control system that successfully achieves to balance conflicting interests is
needed in order to create a sustainable hospital management and avoid opposition from the
medical profession concerning the process of making the Sahlgrenska University Hospital
more efficient.
Student essay
Gelin, Philip
Ivarsson, Oskar