Reflektion - En strategi för kreativitet och lärande med mening
My study aims to examine the concept of reflection, what it means and also link it to working with reflection in
the learning process, primarily focusing on art and creativity.
The main question in this paper is: What does it mean to reflect? and: How can you work reflective in a creative
process? In order to answer my questions I have used a qualitative textual analysis on a range of texts dealing
with reflection, primarily focusing on the educational field. The results of the analysis are then linked to my own
experiences including art educational work with emphasis on contemporary art.
My results show that there are many similarities between the process of reflection and the creative process. Both
involves exploration, investigating the processes which emanate from something that is interesting, surprising or
disturbing. It emanates from your own thoughts, but is at the same time creating a distance from them. The
distance means that you catch sight of yourself and your pre-understandings and opens up to other possible
perspectives, which in turn deepens your understanding of yourself and of the world. Working with a reflective
process requires, amongst others, time, structure and security. Methods and resources for this are often lacking in
school. My study shows that working with art and aesthetic learning processes can provide strategies, and a good
entry to, the process of reflection in learning, as art by its nature is often based on contradictions, is illogical and
has no easy answers or given truths.
Student essay
Norén, Sara
John Dewey
Lev Vygotskij
estetiska l