EU:s jämställdhetspolitik – ett janusansikte? En studie av EU:s jämställdhetspolitik med mammaledighetsdirektivet som belysande exempel
This bachelor thesis explores the conditions for a harmonized EU gender equality policy. Recently the maternity leave directive has been introduced by the European commission and seeks to improve the conditions for pregnant workers. The controversial subject of this maternity leave has illustrated many of the problems connected to the development of a social dimension in EU. First of all, the debate concerning the maternity leave directive in the European Parliament has shown that both sides in the parliament seem positive towards creating legislation in this matter on EU level. However, parties at the right tend to disagree to many of the amendments in the proposal, such as the maximum entitlement. Equal opportunities are used as an argument for the proposal especially from the left, which argues for an extension of the maternity leave to 20 weeks of full pay. Secondly, the analysis shows that the gender equality issues are connected to fulfilling labor market goals such as increasing women’s participation on the labor market. Consequently the EU gender policy seems to focus on reconciling work and family for women. The leave is to a large extent linked to the mother and therefore it upholds the fact that women are regarded primary as caregivers.
Student essay
Mehdin, Dajana
Equal opportunities; maternity leave; gender equality; family policy; work/family reconciliation; employment policy; European parliament
Europakunskap; uppsats