Communication or separation? The Role of Grammar in grade 9 English teaching materials Göteborg
This study aims to investigate how grammar is dealt with in teaching materials for grade 9
English and also to investigate how well adjusted the currently used teaching materials are to
the new curriculum Lgr11. Three teaching materials from three different publishers are
analysed, Magic, Time and Wings. The primary focus of the survey is if grammar is dealt with
in the materials in a way which corresponds to today´s language research and if these
materials will be useful also after the implementation of Lgr11.
The analysis shows that, to some extent, grammar is dealt with differently from other
aspects of language learning and that this is not recommended by language researchers. It is
also clearly shown that the teaching materials can be used together with Lgr11 if some
adjustments are made. Magic is the book which would then require the most adjustments.
Student essay
Karlsson, Andreas
teaching materials English
Series/Report no.
SPL kandidatuppsats i engelska
SPL 2011-054