En reklambyrås utveckling. En studie av anställdas attityd och motivation på arbetsplatsen
This thesis emphasizes the importance of understanding the employees’ attitude and motivation towards their workplace at a company that works in the advertising business. An example company; thcommunication agency PS Communication in Stockholm, was used for the empirical part to investigate the purpose. The topic is interesting since the company works in a fast changing environment with new techniques,
tools and professionals and the company is also going through an expansion that include many new recruitments.
The purpose in this thesis is as follows: “the purpose of this study is to elucidate the fate of attitude and motivation of employees in relation to the workplace during business expansion, if performance is reduced and competition increases.”
The analysis and results shows that attitudes and
motivation among the employees in the workplace has deteriorated, the employees agree that it is due to expansion the company is undergoing. However, this study does not ensure that the attitude and motivation among the employees has changed due to expansion, a hypothesis, the authors come to is that the attitude and motivational changes may have occurred to some extent without an expansion. The employees´ experience that they can’t recognize colleagues, the goals have been higher and they have more economic goals to achieve. All these factors can appear without that an expansion takes place. However, this study has resulted in that the expansion, to a certain part, have an impact on attitude and motivation among employees when it became clear that the solidarity among the employees became blurred because of many new recruitments.
Student essay
BARCK, Johanna
Management & Organisation