IMAGE: Om tolkning av dagsaktuella bilder
This paper emphasizes that the analyzing and the intepretation of images, involves an
holistic view, including intention, content, message, and the influence on the observer.
The paper focuses on daily produced images. The starting point of this paper is ´image´
in the concept of ´the written image´. The theory- and method textcritical perspective.
used in this paper is close connected to Paul Feyerabends, Against Method, and to
Robert Farrells work Feyerabend and Scientific Values. This papers specific ques-tions
are, 1) is analyzing and intepretation of images, subjective ?, 2) needs the subjectivity
to be handled to limit arbitrariness and distortion ?, 3) is it appropriate to use a filter
of awarerness as an aid to handle the subjectivity ? The answear to the three
questions, is short and clear: ”Yes”. The competence to analyze, translate and intepret
reliable, daily produced images, is named ´image competence´. The sugges-tions on
continued studies are, a) update the position of ´Art History´ within the area of
pictures and images, b) to develop a usable filter of awarerness as an aid to handle
distortion in translating daily produced images, c) to study why some images are
additional effective in combination with text.
Student essay
Elchner, Björn
images produced daily,
image subjectivity,
image competence