AKKTIV-KomIgång inom barnlogopedi: pilotutvärdering av en utbildning till föräldrar som har barn med grav språkstörning
The purpose of the present pilot study was to evaluate the parental
intervention ComAlong at the Division of Child Language, for parents of
children with severe language impairment. ComAlong is one of the parental
interventions developed in the AKKTIV project. AKKTIV stands for
augmentative and alternative communication –early intervention. The
present study consists of a case study, a compilation of course evaluations
and an interview with the two leaders of the course. No unitary results were
found in the case study, concerning the effect on parents’ style of
communication, parents’ opinions of parent-child interaction, effect on the
family, or the communication and adaptive development of the child. The
course evaluations and the interview show that parents and course-leaders
consider ComeAlong to be an appropriate early intervention at the Division
of Child Language. The study provides suggestions for further research on
ComAlong at the Division of Child Language.
Student essay
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Ateva, Catharina
Sjöström, Petra
grav språkstörning
responsiv kommunikationsstil
Alternativ och Kompletterande Kommunikation (AKK)
tidig intervention
severe language impairment
parental intervention
responsive communication
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)
early intervention
Series/Report no.