Department of Economics / Institutionen för nationalekonomi med statistik: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 161-180 av 501
Biståndets påverkan på utländska direktinvesteringar - En kvantitativ studie över sambandet mellan bistånd och FDI i Afrika söder om Sahara
(2019-07-11)The following thesis investigates the relationship between foreign aid and foreign direct investment in Sub-Saharan Africa. The data used in this thesis consists of country-level factors between the period 2005 and 2017. ... -
Paris and the voluntary reduction of emissions - A study on Grandfathering and the Environmental Kuznets Curve
(2019-07-11)After the global climate meeting in Paris 2015, which resulted in the Paris Agreement, a common goal was set to keep the global temperature from rising over 2 ºC and preferably under 1.5 ºC. Prior to the agreement, each ... -
Testing the weak form EMH - An empirical study of the Swedish stock market
(2019-07-11)This thesis investigates whether the Swedish stock market shows signs of weak form efficiency between January 2012 and January 2019. Weekly data is gathered from the OMXSPI and from three indices of different capitalization ... -
Fler flickor i grundskolan men färre kvinnor i arbete? En kvantitativ studie av det indiska utbildningsprogrammet DPEPs effekter på kvinnligt arbetskraftsdeltagande
(2019-07-11)Indien har historiskt präglats av en ojämlik samhällsstruktur som dominerats av landets kastsystem och omfattande könsskillnader. Utbildning och arbetskraftsdeltagande har länge varit två viktiga faktorer för att minska ... -
Do international remittances contribute to achieving the first Sustainable Development Goal (SDG1) in development economies? Empirical evidence from Pooled Mean Group (PMG) estimator.
(2019-07-11)Eradicating extreme poverty is a fundamental objective and concern for every economy in today’s modernization epoch. Developed countries channel significant amount of financial support annually to poor economies with the ... -
Nudging för välgörenhet - Kan nudging påverka beteendet vid pantstationer?
(2019-07-11)Within neoclassical theory and behavioral economics, different views are presented on people's egoism and altruism. In this study, we want to investigate how nudge and information affect people's behavior at reverse vending ... -
Etiska och traditionella fonder - En utvärdering av risk och avkastning
(2019-06-18)Inom den finansiella sektorn förekommer en kontinuerlig utveckling av nya produkter och tjänster för att anpassa sig till dels hur den finansiella marknaden förändrar sig samt hur samhället och deras kunders krav förändras. ... -
An evaluation of last digit-based test as a tool for electoral fraud detection
(2019-06-18)In the pursuit of developing reliable tools for electoral fraud detection, tools that use statistical analysis have become very popular. Specifically, methods of digits pattern analysis, of election results, based on ... -
Vem flyger egentligen? En kartläggning av samband mellan socioekonomiska faktorer och flygresvanor
(2019-04-29)Flygbranschen är en sektor där utsläppen fortsätter öka, och det kommer inom de närmsta åren bli viktigt att begränsa dessa utsläpp för att uppfylla såväl nationella som internationella klimatmål. Det enda sättet att minska ... -
Idealisk demokrati - genväg eller omväg till ekonomisk tillväxt?
(2019-04-23)This paper is a cross-national panel study on the linkages between economic growth and democracy. The main purpose of this study is to analyze whether there is a significant difference in how different types of democracies ... -
Arbitrage Pricing Theory: A study on the Stockholm Stock
(2019-03-01)This thesis investigates the macroeconomic factors that affect the returns on the different portfolios in Stockholm Stock Exchange by using Arbitrage Pricing Theory (Stephen Ross 1976). We use the portfolios of Large Cap, ... -
Corrupted Estimates? Response Bias in Citizen Surveys on Corruption
(2019-02-26)There is now a near consensus among researchers about the destructive consequences of corruption. In the light of this, measuring corruption has become a global industry. An important and commonly used data source are ... -
What are the main determinants for companies to behave in sustainable way?
(2019-02-21)Using a novel dataset collected from a web survey sent out to Swedish large companies, this thesis examines whether institutional factors or basic economic factors are the main determinants for companies’ level of ... -
Financial Performance of Firms with Low Respectively High ESG Scores - A study of the US Technology sector
(2019-02-21)This study investigates the relationship between financial performance and ESG score over a five-year time period, January 2013 to January 2018, in the US market. To examine this, two small cap portfolios is constructed, ... -
Performance Evaluation of Small- and Large-cap stocks - The importance of size effects on the Swedish equity market
(2019-02-20)This Bachelor´s thesis investigated the performance of small-cap stocks and large-cap stocks on the Swedish equity market (NASDAQ OMX) over the years 2011 to 2016. A number of studies focused on asset pricing have during ... -
(2019-02-18)This thesis examines the predictive powers of the basic stock picking model, The Magic Formula (MF), as well as the modified version of the model, The Free-Cash-Flow augmented Magic Formula (MF-CF) as suggested by Davydov, ... -
Sysselsättningsgapet i Västra Götalandsregionen
(2019-02-15)Sveriges höga välfärd baseras på att en stor andel av befolkningen förvärvsarbetar. För att bibehålla den höga välfärden även i framtiden behöver sysselsättningen ligga på samma nivå som idag. Eftersom en större del av ... -
Employment effects of an increase in sugar tax
(2019-02-15)This paper examined the changes in employment in industries with close ties to sugary products sales following an increase in sugar tax in Norway in January 2018. Using the data from Statistics Norway and having removed ... -
The Impact of Digital Healthcare - A study that examines the effects of digital healthcare services on performance in primary healthcare in Sweden
(2019-02-15)This paper examines what effect digital healthcare has on primary healthcare in Sweden. Using aggregated register data from Jönköping county council and datasets, from väntetider and from hälsokollen a difference- in ... -
Ethnic Discrimination in London’s Housing Market – Are Bangladeshi women worse off applying for housing compared to White women?
(2019-02-15)This study investigates ethnic discrimination for sublets in London’s rental housing market. By applying an experimental design, four female fictitious characters were created to apply for housing advertisements on the ...