Department of Economics / Institutionen för nationalekonomi med statistik: Recent submissions
Now showing items 181-200 of 501
Political Risk & Capital Flight - Case Study of the Ukrainian Crisis
(2019-02-15)This paper examines the economic impact several events of political risk have on components of capital flight Ukraine and capital flight of Ukraine itself. The events of political risk are the Euromaidan revolution, the ... -
A CURRENCY UNION’S EFFECT ON INTERNATIONAL TRADE - EMU membership effect on international trade for Slovenia, Cyprus, Malta and Slovakia
(2019-02-15)This thesis investigates if there is an increase in international trade from joining a currency union. This is done by looking at the European Monetary Union with a focus on four countries that became members in 2007-2009: ... -
Jobbskatteavdragets påverkan på unga i arbetsmarknaden - en difference-in-difference analys av införandet av reformen år 2007
(2019-02-13)The aim of this study is to investigate whether or not the tax cut reform of year 2007 in Sweden had an impact on youths in the Swedish labor market. The study focuses on youths in the ages between 15-24 years and is using ... -
Election Forecasting in a Multiparty System
(2019-01-31)This bachelor thesis in statistics covers the subject of election forecasting in a multiparty system, using polling data, that is data collected to measure party support, and dynamic linear models (DLMs) with Kalman ... -
Value at Risk and Expected Shortfall risk measures using Extreme Value Theory
(2019-01-22)Calculating risk measures as Value at Risk (VaR) and Expected Shortfall (ES) has become popular for institutions and agents in financial markets. A main drawback with these risk measures is that they traditionally assume ... -
Volatility forecasting using the GARCH framework on the OMXS30 and MIB30 stock indices
(2019-01-22)There are many models on the market that claim to predict changes in financial assets as stocks on the Stockholm stock exchange (OMXS30) and the Milano stock exchange index (MIB30). Which of these models gives the best ... -
E-handel i Europa - En analys av vilka makroekonomiska faktorer som driver e-handelns etablering i Europa
(2018-12-12)E-handeln ökar kraftigt, men ökningen skiljer sig mycket från land till land. I Europa sträc- ker sig skillnaden från att 82% av befolkningen har handlat på internet ned till att endast 13% av befolkningen har gjort ... -
The role of financial inclusion - a labour mirgration perspective - A study from Bangladesh
(2018-09-28)This paper analyzes the impact of financial inclusion on international migration and sending remittances within Bangladesh. The data is taken from a household survey, conducted by the Refugee and Migratory Movements Research ... -
(2018-09-28)Syfte: Att undersöka om Phillipsmodellen ger en bättre prognos jämfört med en modell som enbart baseras på tidigare inflation. Teori: ... -
En empirisk studie av New Keynesian Wage Phillips Curve - FÖR DANMARK, SCHWEIZ OCH SVERIGE
(2018-09-25)In this paper, the New Keynesian Wage Phillips Curve (NKWPC) is being discussed. The purpose of this paper was to evaluate NKWPC in Denmark, Sweden and Switzerland during the period 2000Q4-2017Q4 and investigate negative ... -
Riksbankens Penningpolitik - En undersökning om sambandet mellan Inflation och Reporänta
(2018-09-25)Since the financial crisis 2008 Riksbanken have tried to stimulate the economy by using expansive monetary policy and QE programs with the purpose to increase CPI back to 2 percent a year. As a result, the repo rate has ... -
Introducing REITs in Europe - The effect on housing real estate
(2018-09-21)After the financial crisis of 2007-2008, the world experienced how an unhealthy increase in housing real estate prices could contribute to a financial crisis with severe consequences for the world economy. This thesis ... -
(2018-09-20)In this essay I measure the competitiveness of the Swedish market for dry cleaning for consumers. I do this by studying the number of producers and consumers on geographically separated markets. This is done according to ... -
The female labor market and gender equality
(2018-09-19)This paper is a cross-national panel study evaluating how education-, health- and political dimensions of gender equality are affected by the size and composition of the female labor market. The hypothesis is that improving ... -
Fastighetsavgift: "Världens bästa förslag?" En kvantitativ analys av 2008 års förändrade fastighetsbeskattning.
(2018-09-19)År 2006 sa Kristdemokraternas partiledare ”Vi har världens bästa förslag. Vi har en idé om att avskaffa Sveriges mest hatade skatt”, och så blev det. Efter att Alliansen vunnit valet genomfördes en reform av fastighetsskatten. ... -
Are Swedish housing markets duration dependent?
(2018-09-07)Sweden’s rapidly growing housing sector, and the long-last boom it’s experienced even in a global financial crisis, has been the topic for several recent studies. In this thesis, we examine house price data from 279 Swedish ... -
Technical Analysis - A comparative study between a Moving average and a buy-and-hold strategy
(2018-07-16)Background and research question: There are shared opinions about whether it is possible to forecast the direction of prices through studying previous of market data. According to the efficient market hypothesis, using ... -
Lyckas aktivt förvaltade fonder skapa ett mervärde gentemot indexfonder? En studie som jämför prestationen mellan aktivt förvaltade Sverigefonder och indexfonder på en riskjusterad basis
(2018-07-16)Denna studie undersöker om aktivt förvaltning lyckas skapa ett mervärde gentemot passiv förvaltning genom att jämföra aktivt förvaltade Sverigefonder med svenska indexfonder under tidsperioden 2013 – 2017. I studien används ... -
Does Quantitative Easing Affect Income Inequality? A Panel Data Study
(2018-07-16)In this essay, we examine the effect that quantitative easing has on Gini coefficients. This was done via quantitative data analysis through two different statistical methods, Ordinary Least Squares and Panel Data regression ... -
Foreign Direct Investments - A shortcut to Development and Economic Growth?
(2018-07-12)Foreign direct investment has grown substantially since the energy crisis during the 1970s, meanwhile countries in the East Asia & Pacific area has experienced growth rates pursuant to established convergence theories. ...