Department of Economics / Institutionen för nationalekonomi med statistik: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 41-60 av 501
Knock on wood - The relationship between macro variables and forest land return in Sweden 1996-2020
(2022-02-15)This thesis examines if three commonly used regions in Sweden differ in yearly forest yield over the period 1996-2020. An expression defining yearly forest yield is constructed and evaluated, together with macro economy ... -
Investigating the relationship between economic preferences and attitudes towards vaccination against COVID-19.
(2022-02-14)The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between economic preferences and attitudes towards vaccination against COVID-19. These relationships are important to explore in order to design correct and ... -
För ungas sysselsättning med allmän visstidsanställning - En kvantitativ studie av införandet av allmän visstidsanställning år 2007
(2021-09-14)This paper aims to investigate if the Swedish government's reform of changes in the employment protection act, fulfilled one of its purposes when it comes to increasing employment for young people, after it was implemented ... -
Cross-price elasticities of demand on electric vehicles, by prices and taxes of gasoline vehicles
(2021-09-14)The purpose of the thesis is to estimate the cross-price elasticities of demand on electric vehicles by gasoline vehicle taxes and gasoline prices in six different countries with electric vehicle markets. This is to examine ... -
Individers betalningsvilja för nötkött - En studie om hur en hypotetisk skatt på nötkött tas emot av den svenska befolkningen
(2021-09-14)The rise of greenhouse gas emissions is a problem for the environment. The livestock production stands for nearly 15 percent of the greenhouse gas emissions in the world where beef generates the largest emissions per kg ... -
The impact of Lockdown Stringency during the Covid-19 crisis of 2020
(2021-09-10)This paper examines the impact of lockdown stringency on the cross-country variations in real GDP growth and unemployment in OECD countries following the recession caused by the covid-19 pandemic. The GDP is estimated with ... -
The Impact of Scheduled Macroeconomic News Releases on Stock Market Uncertainty
(2021-09-06)While prior literature has studied the impact of news releases on different financial markets, the option market has received less attention. The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between scheduled ... -
Economic Preference and Attitudes Towards Alternative Ways to Finance Public Transport
(2021-08-17)The public transportation system in the region of Västra Götaland elicits quick and efficient travel, while, simultaneously, decreasing the negative effects of driving. However, the system suffers from various problems, ... -
The Predictive Relationship between Swedish House Prices and Consumer Price Inflation
(2021-08-17)Sweden has in the past three decades experienced low rates of inflation, rising house prices and a declining policy rate. This implicates that the households can increase debt due to expanding collateral, and thereby ... -
Arbetskraft från tredje land: Effekter på den svenska arbetsmarknaden
(2021-07-13)Non-European labour migration has become a regularly discussed political issue, portrayed variously as a threat or a benefit for the domestic labour market. Since 2008, Sweden has had the most liberal labour migration ... -
Amorteringskravets påverkan på socioekonomiskt utsatta områden
(2021-07-13)Finansinspektionen införde ett amorteringskrav 2016 i syfte att dämpa de svenska hushållens skuldsättning, där effekterna av kravet har blivit ett debatterat ämne bland olika forskare. Målbilden med den här studien är att ... -
Variationer i fertilitet
(2021-07-09)En åldrande befolkning och lågt barnafödande innebär, allt annat lika, att färre ska försörja fler. Denna uppsats handlar om huruvida föräldrapolitiken påverkar barnafödandet; mer specifikt ställs frågan påverkar ... -
Metoder för biaskorrigering vid punktskattning av populationsstandardavvikelsen - En jämförande simuleringsstudie vid normalfördelad population
(2021-07-09)Det finns flera olika metoder som har till syfte att korrigera bias vid estimering av populationsstandardavvikelsen för en normalfördelad population. Det är ett ämne som över tid har avhandlats i en rad olika statistiska ... -
Biståndets effekt på jämställdhet och kvinnlig egenmakt - En empirisk studie av jämställdhetsinriktat bistånd till LDCs
(2021-07-08)The effectiveness of foreign aid has been an object of debate for a long time, and so has the importance of gender equality for economic development. Foreign aid in support of gender equality and women empowerment in ... -
Greenwashing och finansiell prestation - symboliska kontra betydande gröna aktiviteter
(2021-07-07)Studien syftar till att utforska till vilken utsträckning företags betydande aktiviteter inom hållbarhetsfrågor, till skillnad från symboliska aktiviteter, påverkar företags finansiella prestation. Detta för att undersöka ... -
Determinants of Chinese Foreign Direct Investment in Africa - A panel data analysis
(2021-07-07)This thesis examines how different recipient country determinants influence Chinese investors' decisions where to invest in Africa and whether the financial crisis in 2008 has induced a shift in the type of FDI investors ... -
Stimulanspaket och konsumtion i kristider - En studie av CARES Act och dess effekter på privat konsumtion i USA
(2021-07-06)The aim with the thesis is to analyze how stimulus packages can help private consumption in an economic crisis. The analysis is based on the stimulus package CARES Act and its impact on private consumption in USA during ... -
Digitala vårdgivare i primärvården - Upplever patienter större tillgänglighet?)
(2021-07-05)Since 2016 digital healthcare has been a part of the Swedish primary healthcare market. Therefore the purpose of this study is to examine how digital healthcare has affected the patients experience of access to primary ... -
Införandet av EU:s gröna Taxonomi
(2021-07-05)Hållbarhet har länge varit något som företag tagit sig friheten att tolka fritt. Med införandet av EU:s Taxonomi finns förhoppningen att tolkningsutrymmet ska upphöra och att både investerare och andra intressenter ska få ... -
Vindkraftens utveckling i Sverige: Ett vinande koncept
(2021-07-02)Wind power is considered to be an important renewable energy source in the transition into a fossil free economy to mitigate climate change. Motivated by its commitments in the Paris Agreement, Sweden has national goals ...