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Visas titlar 1-20 av 30
The Strength of Competition in the Swedish Grocery Retailing Market. A Comparison to Germany
(2012-02-14)I have many times heard that the Swedish grocery retail market has low competition, high concentration and high food prices, whereas in Germany the prices are considered lower and the competition more intense . I decided ... -
Entry into the Coffee Shop Market – Starbucks establishes in Gothenburg. The demand and supply of the domestic coffee shop market
(2012-02-14)This thesis discusses the expansion of Starbucks to Gothenburg and their main preconditions and challenges when establishing. It also looks at the state of competition on the local coffee shop market, students’ preferences ... -
En ekonometrisk undersökning av svensk verkstadsindustri
(2012-02-23)I följande arbete har en ekonometrisk undersökning av svensk verkstadsindustri genomförts. Åtta bolag, registrerade på Stockholmsbörsen, och tillhörande verkstadsindustrin har valts ut. Dessa är Volvo AB, Sandvik, ABB, ... -
(2012-03-01)The aim of this thesis is to examine consumers’ attitudes and preferences towards eco and fair trade clothes in Gothenburg. As the market of these products is inadequate we conducted a contingent valuation (CV) study asking ... -
House Prices for Real – The Determinants of Swedish Nominal Real Estate Prices
(2013-01-11)We examined what drives Swedish real estate price changes in general and whether or not Swedish real estate is currently overvalued. We examined if money supply is an important factor in particular. In accordance with ... -
Bonus och ägarskap i svenska storbanker
(2013-03-14)In this master thesis we are trying to investigate whether the heads of the four major Swedish banks are receiving compensation because of their own performance. We have investigated a number of parameters in the reporting ... -
(2013-03-14)This essay is using theories about social norms, and wage determination to evaluate why there is a gender wage gap on the Swedish labour market. To identify the essence of the gender wage gap investigations on specific ... -
Köpvärda bolag inom telekombranschen
(2013-05-13)Här beskriver vi hur väl vi lyckats besvara vår frågeställning och hur syftet med uppsatsen uppfyllts. I denna uppsats har vi undersökt och värderat åtta ledande telekombolag i Europa. De värderingsmetoder vi använt oss ... -
Gender and Cost-Effectiveness in Public Work Programmes
(2013-05-28)Public work programmes (PWP) are a popular part of development strategies and poverty reduction schemes and Bolivia were receivers of international aid for two workfare programmes during 2004 and 2006. To analyse how well ... -
Hur påverkas humankapitalet av migrationen mellan länderna i Nord? - En studien av fenomenen brain drain och brain gain i Ungern.
(2013-06-14)Brain drain innebär förlorat humankapital till följd av migration och förknippas oftast med högutbildade medborgares flytt till utlandet. Brain gain innebär å andra sidan ökat humankapital, antingen till följd av att ... -
Examining exchange rate return factors before and after the Lehman bankruptcy
(2013-06-14)This thesis examines exchange rate return factors of holding USD before and after Lehman Brothers Bankruptcy on September 15th 2008, by analysing the relationship with multiple regressions and correlation to trace any ... -
Exchange rates and stock markets
(2013-07-04)The study employs a vector error correction model, cointegration analysis and Granger causality test to examine the short- and long-run dynamic relationship between the USD/SEK exchange rate and the OMXS30. In the short-run ... -
Patents and Market Efficiency - An Analysis of Non-Qualitative Patents.
(2013-07-04)The importance of intellectual property and intellectual property rights in today’s economy steadily increases. By conducting event studies this report investigates whether the market is efficient when it comes to the ... -
Daily Temperature Modelling for Weather Derivative Pricing - A Comparative Index Forecast Analysis of Adapted Popular Temperature Models
(2013-07-05)This study aims to construct improved daily air temperature models to obtain more precise index values for New York LaGuardia and, thus, more accurate weather derivative prices for contracts written on that location. The ... -
Detoxing by Taxing - A National Tax on Clothes Containing Chemicals?
(2013-07-05)Growing wealth and globalization have lead to increasing consumption of clothes and shoes in Sweden. Environmental organizations have shown that some clothes and shoes contain chemicals that are hazardous for both the ... -
Testing Pecking Order and Trade Off Models on Mining and Software Industries in Canada.
(2013-07-10)This paper tests the two major capital structure theories; pecking order theory and trade off theory, in order to determine how the debt ratios in mining and software industries in Canada behave. We used a disaggregated ... -
Democratic Effects on Public Spending - A Study of the Post-Soviet Context
(2013-07-10)The degree of democracy is an important factor determining a country’s welfare through the formation of policies and the government’s priorities. This study explores in a quantitative framework the effect of democracy on ... -
An Empirical Investigation of Factors Affecting the Standardization of Service Pricing - A Case Study of Flexlink
(2013-08-08)Over the last decades, the service sector has increased as a percentage of the economies. This paper analyzes whether service prices can be internationally standardized based on the Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) theory. ... -
Basel III - What is Basel III, why do we need it and what will the consquences be?
(2013-09-09)The magnitude of the financial crisis in 2008 can be compared to the financial downturn and the great depression in the 1930´s. Even though we are currently in a situation where we are recovering from this crisis it is ... -
Stock market interdependencies - Evidence from the Eurozone´s southern periphery before and after the outbreak of the European debt crisis
(2013-09-18)Recent events in the Eurozone´s southern periphery have directed much interest to the region but only a limited number of studies have targeted the market interdependencies among these counties. This thesis examines the ...