An investigation of Self-communications role and implications in human life
The aim of this thesis is to explore self-communication´s role and impact on individual’s life and behavior as well as scrutinize possible obstacles for Self-communication to take place. In the other hand a Self-communication model based on and linking theories from both communication and cognition science will be presented to the group to test the effect of a preconceived model on the accomplishment of the activity.
The specific objectives were: to explore the participant’s view and attitude before and after the Self-communication activity, the role of writing down memories and emotions, the impact of Self-communication on individual’s life as well as scrutinize the possibility for developing a Self-communication model and the influence of a preconceived model on the achievement of the activity.
The study was conducted in Gothenburg. The data was collected through open discussions (I), interviews (II & IV) and Self-reporting (III); a pre and post study (IV & V) was carried out to detect possible alterations of the attitude of the participants after the activity. Statistical data was not collected because of lack of time but mostly because the midpoint of the investigation was deepness instead for size. The investigators goal was to acquire deep understanding and knowledge about Self-communication and the surrounding elements; not to scrutinize its impact on a large size term.
To avoid the placebo effect and biased results quota sampling (I) was implemented and a comparison group of individuals followed the study separately and under different space and time related conditions. Triangulation was also implemented to test the findings which provided the researcher important elements that otherwise would be missed.
The investigation revealed different angles and dimensions of Self-communication its potential and influence on behavior. Prerequisites for attitudes of the participants toward and for Self-communication to take place were established.
Parallel findings showed, among other aspects, evidence for a possible coupling between CSR regulations, manager’s view of emotions at workplace and the co-workers attitude toward Self-communication.
Further studies on a lengthy term basis including biochemical test of the participants, for example variation of stress hormones during the intervention as well as a comparison of cultures, more extensive range of ages groups and observation of group dynamics; could provide the scientific community with deeper and more stable knowledge of Self-communications implications and impact.
Master theses
Utrera Kollberg, Karla Patricia
Report/Department of Applied Information Technology