44 m2 extra - ett förslag på nytt fritidshus
My Finnish grandfather had a passion for architecture, even
though he wasn’t an architect. In the end of the 1950s he built
a wooden summerhouse on a lot outside of a small village
called Lempäälä, close to the city of Tampere. Today the lot
belongs to my mother. Every time I visit our summerhouse, it
makes me want to do as my grandfather did – to build a small
house next to it.
My project is a proposal for a wooden house on my
mothers lot. Since the buildings on the lot do not have all the
fundamental needs they would require for longer stays, it was
important to include these in my proposal.
My proposal for a new wooden building has an interior of
44 m2 and a wooden deck. It works both as a supplementary
and by itself. There is a simplicity to the house just as there is
in the other buildings.
Some important questions that led me through the whole
work was how to find a good location for the new building in
relation to the surroundings, what kind of rooms and function
the building should have and how to make the building
correspond with the existing buildings. Also, one im portant
question was how to make it interact with the landscape.
My work resulted in a model, a poster and material
samples of wood to give a better feeling for my proposal.
Student essay
Bright, Danielah
wooden summerhouse
spatial design
DK 2011