Master Theses: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 1-20 av 194
The Convention on the Rights of the Child in practice: Social workers’ experience and acting space when implementing the Convention within the City of Gothenburg
(2023-01-26)The aim with this thesis is to examine how social workers, who work in short-term and long term residential housing activities within the City of Gothenburg and meet children in their work with adults, experience the ... -
Lärares gemensamma teoretiska utgångspunkt i att arbeta mot rasism i undervisningen: En idéanalys av Lgr22
(2022-12-22)Sweden has ratified the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (1966) and the Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989), which both establish every person’s rights in the conventions without any ... -
CAMBODIAN-THAI BORDER CONFLICT; A critical case study and grassroots stakeholders’ perspectives on the 2008 Preah Vihear Temple (PVT)
(2022-11-08)The revival of the Preah Vihear conflict resumed again in 2008 not focusing on the architectural structure of the temple but over the unclearly claimed the temple’s vicinity of 4.6km2 after the UNESCO registered the temple ... -
“You can be whatever you want in this world, but not un-vaccinated.” – Understanding Covid-19 anti-vaccinators in Modern Democracy
(2022-11-08)Sweden’s approach for covid-19 has been considered mild compared to other countries’, but despite the Public Health Authority’s, the government’s, and the politician’s relatively relaxed l approach towards the pandemic, ... -
Women’s perspectives on transitional justice in Liberia
(2022-11-08)The emancipation of women from the regions of war has been a subject of critical debate across all cultures and geographical settings, including Liberia. Hence, the concept of transitional justice for its application in ... -
‘A Taste of democracy’: Burmese Conception of Democracy in the Aftermath of the Coup
(2022-11-03)In November 2020, the National League for Democracy, headed by Aung San Suu Kyi, won a landslide victory in the national elections in Myanmar. On February 1, 2021, before the first session of the parliament could convene, ... -
UN Organs’ Strategies for Protection of Civilians: Coherent, Adaptable or Both?
(2022-11-03)This thesis examines the coherence and adaptiveness of the UN Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations and the UN Security Council in the case of protection of civilians in peacekeeping missions. Ignasi Torrent’s ... -
Constructing ‘The People’, ‘The Other’ and ‘The Elite’ in populist right-wing discourse; A qualitative case study on the Sweden Democrats
(2022-11-03)The research is designed as a qualitative case study, where theoretical concepts of populism and identity are employed to investigate how the Sweden Democrats construct identities in their populist right-wing discourse. ... -
Westernization in Rojava; Infatuation with the West
(2022-11-03)The Kurdish-led Rojava Project in northeastern Syria has gained international attention for its pioneering work on equality, community coexistence, and direct democracy through the implementation of Democratic Confederalism, ... -
Rätt till hälsa efter sexuellt våld: En kvalitativ undersökning om unga kvinnor med migrantbakgrund och deras erfarenheter
(2022-08-24)Health is a universal human right, and in contrast sexual violence is a human rights violation, which affects millions of women globally. Thus, numerous United Nation conventions condemns sexual violence and demands ... -
“NO ESTAMOS VIVIENDO, ESTAMOS SOBREVIVIENDO”: A qualitative study of experiences of everyday life of young adult Cubans
(2022-08-23)This thesis investigates how young adult Cubans describe their experiences of everyday life. The study situates itself in the timeframe of the Covid-19 pandemic and in light of the U.S. blockade towards Cuba, within a ... -
Bör sexköpslagen skärpas? En diskursanalys om straffpåföljden för sexköp.
(2022-06-03)The penalty of the Sex Purchase Act has almost exclusively resulted in fines for the accused perpetrator since it came into force in 1999. This despite that prison has always existed as an alternative sentencing. This study ... -
Small Islands Developing States: The need for International Climate Change Action.
(2022-06-01)This thesis focuses on Small Islands Developing States, SIDS, and their need for international climate change action. The aim is to explore what arguments have been used to advocate for international action to support SIDS ... -
“They’re not granted human rights in our EU”. A study of actors’ responsibility for vulnerable EU citizens in Gothenburg.
(2022-06-01)Who is responsible for vulnerable EU citizens in Gothenburg? The aim of this study is to explore how different local actors perceive their responsibility, and possibility to affect the situation, for vulnerable EU citizens. ... -
Indigenous justice in Guatemala: Indigenous women’s access to justice versus indigenous communities’ collective rights
(2022-05-20)In 2016, the Constitutional Court of Guatemala ruled in favor of validating the application of ancestral justice by the indigenous authorities of the community of Comitancillo, San Marcos, to an individual who raped a ... -
The Swedish Migration Court of Appeal position on the principle of the best interests of the child. A qualitative content analysis on how the principle of the best interests of the child is interpreted after the Swedish incorporation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
(2022-05-12)As of 2020, the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) was incorporated into Swedish law. The Swedish media has since then reported about the lack of consideration for children's rights in the Swedish migration process. ... -
Effects of the neoliberal agenda on abortion policy and sexual rights in Poland and Ireland. A Comparative Feminist Global Political Economy analysis
(2022-04-29)In Europe, abortion policy shifts drastically across the region despite the EU´s efforts to make it equally accessible. The differences in access to abortion are often connected to the level of religious impact on the ... -
Exploring colonial and decolonial influences in the teaching of indigenous perspectives at Swedish Universities.
(2022-04-29)This thesis engages the topic of colonial and decolonial influences within teaching of indigenous epistemology, ontology, and methodology, here abbreviated to indigenous perspectives, at institutions of higher education. ... -
Outer Space Regime and the Issue of Space Debris, An analysis on the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space on space debris from 2006 to 2019
(2022-03-04)With several actors entering the space scene and the skyrocketed increase in the launches, space exploration has become more complex, so does the challenges related to the threat posed by space debris. To deal with this ... -
Barns rätt till skydd och barns rätt till delaktighet - (o)förenliga rättigheter? En kvalitativ intervjustudie om socialsekreterares beskrivningar av att arbeta med barn och ungas delaktighet vid LVU-ärenden
(2022-02-08)Several investigations and reports show that Swedish social services do not sufficiently provide children’s and young people’s right to participation in cases of care of young people (special provision) act. The aim of ...