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A Bloody Waste: Embodied perspectives on menstrual materials, waste and responsibility among Swedish menstruators
(2021-09-02)Every day, hundreds of millions of people around the world are menstruating. While questions around menstruation have gained a growing public and academic interest in recent years, which has successfully emphasized and ... -
”All necessary measures” - En diskursanalys av NATO:s intervention i Libyen 2011
(2018-02-28)The world is changing, and with it the security doctrines and the world order. This bachelor thesis is focusing on the expressions of world order as described by Björn Hettne through a case study of NATO’s intervention ... -
”Alla behöver ju vatten” En kvalitativ undersökning om svenska turisters uppfattningar kring vatten och vattenkonsumtion på Bali
(2021-12-09)The purpose of this thesis is to examine Swedish tourists perspectives on water consumption while traveling in Bali, Indonesia. Using qualitative interviews, the study also examines how problems linked to water consumption, ... -
Alternatives for another world?: En kritisk analys av Occupy Wall Street-rörelsens idéer för strukturell förändring
(2013-09-06)In the wake of the latest financial crisis, a group of individuals launched the Occupy Wall Street movement. It wanted to change the structures that economic and political life are founded upon. They believe that the ... -
American national identity at the start and end of the war in Afghanistan: A comparative narrative analysis of presidential speeches
(2022-08-24)The purpose of this essay is to investigate the production of American national identity at the start and end of America’s warfare in Afghanistan, and to reach an understanding how the identity-construction legitimatized ... -
(2022-11-03)The goal of this article is to use critical discourse analysis to analyse four different news articles regarding the departure of Evo Morales as the president of Bolivia and his subsequent exile in Mexico during the ... -
ATT ANDRAFIERA OCH STIGMATISERA TERRORISTEN - En kritisk textanalys av andrafiering och stigmatisering i kvällstidningar
(2019-11-19)Terrorism and the discourse about War on Terror are global challenges, which I wanted to study in the Swedish locality, bringing together perspectives on the issues in a new way. The aim of this study is to analyse, ... -
Att flytta iväg eller stanna kvar?: En undersökning om avfolkning av Västernorrland ur ett intersektionellt perspektiv
(2016-09-13)The aim of this thesis is to study the ongoing depopulation of the rural areas of northern Sweden, specifically in the county of Västernorrland. The county suffers socially and economically because of the urbanization. A ... -
Att kunna se sig själv i det stora - Ett samtal med Butler och Foucault om globaliseringen och individualiseringens motsägelsefulla inverkningar på >subjektets> självbild i en västerländsk medialiserad och informationspräglad social kontext.
(2019-09-17)In reading poststructuralist thinkers like Butler and Foucault I have gotten the insight of my self as a subject being not the maker of my >self> and my >identity>, but a participant in an always changing context of sociality ... -
Att lära för livet: En studie om förståelse, föreställningar och attityder i förhållande till hållbar utveckling bland studenter vid Göteborgs universitet
(2017-09-14)Det mänskliga samhället står inför en rad stora utmaningar, och i takt med globaliseringen får effekterna av mänsklig aktivitet allt större geografisk spridning. Konsekvenser av vårt handlande är avlägsna i tid och rum, ... -
Att synliggöra ekonomins påverkan på naturen: miljöräkenskaper i svensk politik 1966-2017
(2018-06-28)This paper uses documents from the Swedish riksdag and public reports from 1966-2017 to map the development of ecological indicators in Sweden that complement the GDP-measure to show the level of environmental sustainability ... -
AUSTERITY AND THE SWEDISH POLITICAL ECONOMY: A Case Study on the Rise of the Swedish Consolidation State
(2021-06-29)Following the 1990-1994 crisis, the Swedish government embarked on an ambitious austerity programme that transformed the Swedish polity beyond recognition. This has given rise to a ‘consolidation state’ that operates ... -
(2021-01-29)The purpose of this study is to look into the discourse on wheelchair use and accessibility in the public transport system among the leading agents of the public transport system in Gothenburg and the Region Västra Götaland. ... -
Återförvilda Sverige?: En studie av rewilding som strategi för att bevara kulturlandskapet och gynna biologisk mångfald
(2015-01-15)Through millennia, humans have shaped the European landscapes. Agriculture, hunting and forestry have influenced virtually every ecosystem on the continent and formed what we today think of as the cultural landscape; a ... -
“Babe your ass is looking tight”: En jämförande studie om kvinnliga utseendeideal, en hälsosam livsstil och den feminina kroppen på hälsobloggar
(2017-10-09)Health and people's wellbeing is an important issue in the Western society today. Moreover had today’s technology changed the way we look at bodies in the fashion industry and in social media. Women’s bodies are sometimes ... -
Balancing social and environmental sustainability: A qualitative case study about the social impacts of the Payments for Ecosystem Services program on rural farmers in Costa Rica
(2020-11-11)Costa Rica has long been considered a leader in environmentally sustainable policy actions as the country aims to have 70% forest cover and much of their success has been attributed to the Payment for Environmental Services ... -
Barns rättigheter - en självklarhet?
(2014-09-22)Numerous studies have showed that Swedish municipalities are responsible for several of the activities that concern children and their rights, e.g. school and health care. Furthermore, the Convention of the Rights of the ... -
Det bekymmersfria resandet: En studie om socialt ansvar och svenska researrangörers arbete för homo- och bisexuella personers mänskliga rättigheter i sina destinationsländer
(2016-06-10)Globalisation is very much related to an increased mobility across the world. Since homosexuality or homosexual acts are criminalised in 75 countries and homophobia exists in all societies worldwide, this mobility is ... -
Business versus sustainability? A qualitative study focused on Swedish business students’ perceptions of business sustainability and its relation to action competence as part of UN’s Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
(2017-10-12)Across the world it is recognized that business have to become more sustainable. Different sustainability initiatives have started to emerge in educational settings, but still few educators are able to graduate business ... -
CHANGES IN JAPAN'S STRATEGIC CULTURE – THE SEVEN SINS TO PACIFISM: Japan’s Move Away From Pacifism Explained With Strategic Culture.
(2018-02-13)The purpose of this thesis is to explore the changes within Japan’s Strategic Culture that have led Japan to move away from their previous pacifist mindset and become more militarily active in, for example, the South China ...