Kandidatuppsatser / Globala studier: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 21-40 av 104
Förutsättningar för hållbar beteendeförändring: En studie om individens möjligheter och hinder till att minska sin negativa klimatpåverkan i dagens högkonsumerande samhälle och globaliserade värld.
(2021-12-09)This study intends to investigate the current conditions for individuals living in a high consumer society like Sweden to actually conduct a more sustainable way of living. By examination of eleven external and internal ... -
”Alla behöver ju vatten” En kvalitativ undersökning om svenska turisters uppfattningar kring vatten och vattenkonsumtion på Bali
(2021-12-09)The purpose of this thesis is to examine Swedish tourists perspectives on water consumption while traveling in Bali, Indonesia. Using qualitative interviews, the study also examines how problems linked to water consumption, ... -
"Om jag hade bedömt att jag inte hade någon alls möjlighet till det, skulle jag absolut inte vara med". En explorativ fallstudie om påverkansmöjligheter i Vindelälven-Juhttátahkkas samverkansprocess.
(2021-10-08)In recent decades globalisation has challenged government with governance. A societal change in which state-based governing has increasingly moved towards governance based on networks and collaboration between different ... -
Sustainable or sustaining status quo? A critical analysis on depoliticization and the European Green Deal
(2021-09-02)Green New Deals is a relatively new phenomenon in environmental policy which takes a holistic approach and aims to bridge ecological sustainability and social justice. In 2019, the European Union became the first major ... -
A Bloody Waste: Embodied perspectives on menstrual materials, waste and responsibility among Swedish menstruators
(2021-09-02)Every day, hundreds of millions of people around the world are menstruating. While questions around menstruation have gained a growing public and academic interest in recent years, which has successfully emphasized and ... -
Tillit i “särskilt utsatta områden” i Angered stadsdel: En fallstudie om den polisiära verksamheten i särskilt utsatta områden
(2021-08-05)During the past decades the world's democracies have slowly eroded by the process of polarization by reasons such as a lack of common ground which is increasing the perspective of us versus them. Digital media has ... -
AUSTERITY AND THE SWEDISH POLITICAL ECONOMY: A Case Study on the Rise of the Swedish Consolidation State
(2021-06-29)Following the 1990-1994 crisis, the Swedish government embarked on an ambitious austerity programme that transformed the Swedish polity beyond recognition. This has given rise to a ‘consolidation state’ that operates ... -
Vårt enda värde är som offer: En intervjustudie om svenska sexarbetares perspektiv på avkriminalisering av köp av sexuella tjänster.
(2021-06-24)The aim of this study is to deepen Sweden’s understanding of the prostitution debate by including sex workers’ perspectives. More specifically, it aims to analyze what sex workers think about the ‘Nordic Model’ VS. the ... -
Tillgänglighet till sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa och rättigheter (SRHR) för kvinnor i Sverige med erfarenhet av flykt: En kvalitativ studie utifrån yrkesverksammas syn på tillgänglighet
(2021-06-16)This qualitative study aims at examining how professionals who work with sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) for refugee women in Sweden view these women’s accessibility to SRHR. For a person to achieve good ... -
Trygghet i Tynnered: En kvalitativ studie om den upplevda tryggheten i Tynnered och inställning till säkerhetsåtgärder
(2021-06-09)“Trygghet i Tynnered” (Safety in Tynnered) is a qualitative study researching the how residents and professionals interprets the concepts of safety and security as well as their attitudes towards implemented, planned and ... -
"PINKWASH THIS: Resisting the mainstreaming management of queer cultural heritage"
(2021-02-03)As Pride festivals around the world in 2019 celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall riots, the word pinkwashing is on the tip of many tongues. The question of whether or not political parties, business enterprises ... -
(2021-01-29)The purpose of this study is to look into the discourse on wheelchair use and accessibility in the public transport system among the leading agents of the public transport system in Gothenburg and the Region Västra Götaland. ... -
"Mer än ett SPRÅKcafé?: En kvalitativ studie om hur ett språkcafé kan fylla fler funktioner än enbart det uppenbara"
(2021-01-29)The purpose of this study was to seek a better understanding of the meaning a language café that only welcomes women, can hold for the participants, who are all immigrant women, and through these narratives explore if ... -
”En kärnvapenfri värld är helt enkelt inte möjlig”: En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av det svenska motståndet mot ett svenskt tillträde till FN:s kärnvapenkonvention
(2020-11-24)On the 7th of July 2017, the United Nation’s General Assembly adopted the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). The treaty is different from earlier agreements due to its focus on the humanitarian consequences ... -
NAVIGATING THE SACRED AND SECULAR A Qualitative Exploration of the Compatibility of Science and Spirituality in Modern Western Society
(2020-11-13)The aim of this thesis is to explore the views of five informants regarding the compatibility of science and spirituality. Three research questions help us explore the informants’ views on science, spirituality, the ... -
Balancing social and environmental sustainability: A qualitative case study about the social impacts of the Payments for Ecosystem Services program on rural farmers in Costa Rica
(2020-11-11)Costa Rica has long been considered a leader in environmentally sustainable policy actions as the country aims to have 70% forest cover and much of their success has been attributed to the Payment for Environmental Services ... -
Vem har ansvar för de mänskliga rättigheterna? - En kvalitativ studie av ansvar hos statliga och icke-statliga aktörer inom utvinningsindustrin i Guatemala
(2020-11-11)As a result of the globalization, the power and influence of multinational corporations have increased significantly in recent years. The presence of these corporations can have a major impact on the communities in which ... -
THE RESURGENCE OF RUSSIA - A case study examining the reasons for the Kremlin to intervene in Syria and its new modus operandi -
(2020-10-06)This study focuses on how Russia, in modern days, through historical and current relations with Syria, is reasserting itself as a global political force to be reckoned with. The research methodology chosen is a comparative ... -
Volontärturism - en “win-win situation”?: En kvalitativ studie i hur volontärresor porträtteras på Instagram
(2020-10-02)Volunteer tourism, mainly relating to travelling from countries in the global North to the global South, has emerged as a global trend and fast-growing tourism industry since the turn of the millennium 2000. In the globalized ... -
Vit, vacker, värdefull:en kvalitativ studie av vithetsideal och dess betydelse på Bali, Indonesien.
(2020-08-06)Using interviews and observations, this qualitative study examines the value of bright and white skin in Bali, Indonesia, and how this correlates to social and economic status. The study uses a postcolonial framework to ...