Kandidatuppsatser / Globala studier: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 41-60 av 104
Svarta kvinnor, vita rum: En studie om svarta kvinnliga studenters upplevelser inom svenska universitet och erfarenheter på arbetsmarknaden efter utbildningen
(2020-08-06)This qualitative interview study explores and analyzes how five black female students in Sweden experience their time at university and how the academic rooms are oriented towards whiteness. The study also depicts their ... -
Från kunskap till förändring: En explorativ studie inifrån fyra förändringspraktiker för ett mer hållbart Göteborg
(2020-07-01)The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to the growing literature of sustainability transitions and sustainability practices for change towards sustainability. The study aims to explore how a deeper understanding of ... -
Hinder och begränsningar för flyktingkvinnor i Sverige att uppnå sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa och rättigheter (SRHR): En kvalitativ undersökning om flyktingkvinnors barriärer till SRHR-vård
(2020-07-01)Health is a universal human right which includes ones sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). It is covered in the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals as a vital part for women’s health, yet for many women these ... -
Varför är det få kvinnor på ordinarie chefsbefattningar i yttre tjänst?: En kvalitativ studie om kvinnliga polisers upplevelser av att söka och verka som chef i yttre tjänst
(2020-06-30)Only 14% of the leadership positions in the outside service are held by women, in the inside service however that number is 43% (in the Gothenburg area). Why are there are so few women in leadership positions in the ... -
”Jag vill gärna göra motstånd, men jag vill inte vara motstånd” – En studie av hur icke-binära könsidentiteter relaterar till performativitet och motstånd
(2020-01-10)The aim of this study was to answer the following two questions relating non-binary gender identities to performativity and resistance: In which ways do performativity relate to the creation of non-binary gender identities? ... -
ATT ANDRAFIERA OCH STIGMATISERA TERRORISTEN - En kritisk textanalys av andrafiering och stigmatisering i kvällstidningar
(2019-11-19)Terrorism and the discourse about War on Terror are global challenges, which I wanted to study in the Swedish locality, bringing together perspectives on the issues in a new way. The aim of this study is to analyse, ... -
Föreställningar om våld − En kvalitativ multimodal analys av Saabs marknadsföring av krigsmateriel
(2019-11-07)Violence and conflicts continue ravaging the world all the while the arms industry is providing the means for this to go on. The aim of this thesis is to analyse how the Swedish arms company Saab in its marketing of three ... -
EXKLUDERANDE INKLUDERING OCH DET MAKTLÖSA MELLANFÖRSKAPET - En kritisk textanalys av styrdokument för integrationsinsatser i fyra svenska kommuner
(2019-09-24)This essay examines the sensemaking around integration and identity constructions in policy documents for integration in Sweden. The theoretical framework consists of postcolonial theory as well as theory of national ... -
MASKULIN VEGANISM OCH NEUTRAL DJURETIK - En kritisk diskursanalys av mötespunkterna mellan veganism och genuspraktiker i en svensk samtida kontext
(2019-09-20)The practice of veganism is becoming more and more common. While feminist theories show veganism to be anti-patriarchal in nature, new research has indicated that both hegemonic and hybrid masculinities could be performed ... -
Att kunna se sig själv i det stora - Ett samtal med Butler och Foucault om globaliseringen och individualiseringens motsägelsefulla inverkningar på >subjektets> självbild i en västerländsk medialiserad och informationspräglad social kontext.
(2019-09-17)In reading poststructuralist thinkers like Butler and Foucault I have gotten the insight of my self as a subject being not the maker of my >self> and my >identity>, but a participant in an always changing context of sociality ... -
Homosexuella minoriteter inom minoriteten - en intersektionell studie om rätten till staden i Göteborg
(2019-09-17)It has often been said that a society can be judged by how it treats its weakest. Gothenburg is a city divided, in terms of socioeconomic inequalites. The city seeks to be "a city for all" and has therefore launched an ... -
Gendering national identity: a poststructural analysis of the Trump administration and foreign trade policy
(2019-09-16)This paper takes its onset in an ongoing trade war between the United States (U.S.) and China. As current president of the U.S., Donald Trump is considered by many to challenge how U.S. foreign affairs are conducted ... -
Kinas närmande till Afrika - en etablering av ett motstånd mot västvärldens hegemoni?
(2019-09-16)China’s rapprochement with Africa is an increasingly controversial topic in the Western world and not least is China’s propensity to have a hegemonic agenda a recurring issue. A common claim is that China by emphasizing ... -
Individuella rättigheter eller allmänhetens bästa? En litteraturstudie och ideologianalys av antivaccinationsrörelsen, för att diskutera rättvisa, mänskliga rättigheter och negativ global påverkan.
(2019-08-13)This literary study is trying to discuss and analyse the global occurrence of antivaccination movements and why the movement has grown so in the recent years. By referencing to Italy, where a new law has been implemented, ... -
The abolishment of the Lebanese marriage loophole – article 522. A qualitative social movement study that analyses and explores Lebanese women’s movement advocacy towards legislative changes and social change related to gender equality
(2019-08-13)In Lebanon, women have a long history of organizing and working towards equal legislation for all, just as in other countries around the world. After several rounds of advocacy by actors from the Lebanese women's movement, ... -
Tro om miljö: En studie av miljöetiska förhållningssätt i svenska kyrkosamfund
(2018-10-31)One of the important aspects of sustainable development is the ethical dimension. By providing ethical frameworks and worldviews, religious ideas are central for shaping the way we think and act in relation to nature and ... -
Den gode beskyddaren: Krigsförberedelser & genusordning i Försvarsmakten
(2018-10-24)The purpose of this essay is to explore the discursive construction of the ‘protector’ and the ‘protected’ which contributes to legitimise militarism in Sweden today. This thesis draws upon Iris Marion Young’s theory ... -
Konstruera din egen identitet eller konstrueras in i en: En textanalys av hur myndigheter talar om transpersoner
(2018-10-10)This thesis aims to analyse how government agencies in Sweden talk about transgender people. Since the way trans people are represented heavily affects the wellbeing of this group of people, it is of great value to study ... -
Att synliggöra ekonomins påverkan på naturen: miljöräkenskaper i svensk politik 1966-2017
(2018-06-28)This paper uses documents from the Swedish riksdag and public reports from 1966-2017 to map the development of ecological indicators in Sweden that complement the GDP-measure to show the level of environmental sustainability ... -
”All necessary measures” - En diskursanalys av NATO:s intervention i Libyen 2011
(2018-02-28)The world is changing, and with it the security doctrines and the world order. This bachelor thesis is focusing on the expressions of world order as described by Björn Hettne through a case study of NATO’s intervention ...