Neglecting the public and focusing on the private: "The situation of education in Nigeria"
This research looks into the problem of public education funding in Nigeria. Immediately
after independence, great strides were made in the area of mass education. The
government’s efforts towards education recorded huge successes across the country. This
period witnessed the establishment of great number of educational institutions, to
complement what the country inherited from the pre - independent (colonial)
administration. The major universities within the country today were established during
that period, which introduced academic programmes that were relevant in preparing the
foundation for growth and development of a newly independent nation.
The attention towards education lasted for a period of time, before reversal of fortunes setin.
The downturn could be traced firstly to the civil war that engulfed the newly
independent nation just seven years after self rule, which created distrust among the
various ethnic groups. The incursion of the military into government could be another
reason for the neglect of the public educational institutions. The military at that moment
was preoccupied with keeping the country together, rather than focusing on the provision
of education and other social services. The lack of proper attention towards the education
sector cuts across the different levels - from primary to tertiary. These two factors coupled
with the introduction of the Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP) led to the collapse of
the education sector of the country. With the collapse of public schools, the need for
private schools became necessary and agitation for the approval of private schools started
in earnest. Selection process into private schools are centered firstly on financial ability
before other factors like academic ability are considered (a common practice in most parts
of the globe), because they are first and foremost commercial ventures. With the level of
poverty in Nigeria astronomically high, approximately 80% of the population relied on
public schools for their educational needs as a result of the subsidized cost. The trend
seems to have changed greatly, with a near total collapse of standard in public schools as a
result of government neglect over time. While at the same time, the private educational
institutions have continued to spring up at every nooks and crannies in the country.
This thesis is going look into how the above scenario is going to affect the achievement of
the MDG goal 2, and also how the deterioration of public education in Nigeria is going to
affect the quality of life of the majority of the populace that depends on it for their
intellectual needs.
Student essay
Akuaka, Meshiack Uche
Global Studies