Oäkta barn och ogifta mödrar i Sverige Kyrkans och samhällets officiella syn på konsekvensen av utomäktenskapliga förbindelser
Illegitimate children and unmarried mothers in Sweden The Church and Society´s official view on the consequence of extramarital affairs
Children born out of wedlock have often been exposed to the judgment of Church and Society,
regardless if the children were to be blamed or not for this crime. Even the mothers of these
children have had to face hard judgment through the times, with examples such as not being
allowed to sit next to the real women, the honorable, in the church, or having to wear special
clothing when in public so everyone knew what crime they had committed. The view on this crime
has varied through the times and already during the medieval times in Sweden, the term defectus
natalium was used for children born out of wedlock and the children were called spurii or naturalis.
After the reformation had come to Sweden these children came to be called, oäkta, illegitimate.
Terms as risunge or horunge have also been used in the society for these children, but as the society
evolves these terms are used less and less frequently. One of the reasons is the new inheritance laws
and that the parental code had been introduced in the Swedish laws. With this change in the legal
system, the Swedish society are no longer using any terms to separate between legal or illegal
children in State documents, instead the focus is on the parents and the title, unmarried mother, is
used to define the relationship between the parents when the child was born.
Student essay
Ericson, Susanna
illegitimate children
unmarried mothers
defectus natalium
out of wedlock