The optimal consumption problem. A numerical simulation of the value function with the presence of a random income flow.
In this thesis two methods are used to solve the optimal consumption problem. The optimal
consumption problem is a well known problem in mathematical nance which in its original
form was solved by Robert Merton. This report considers an extension with a presence of a
random income
ow. The problem is approximately solved using two numerical methods,
the approximating Markov chain approach and the in nite series expansion. The Markov
chain approach is a general method developed for stochastic control theory whereas the
in nite series expansion method only can be applied to a speci c set of problems. In the
thesis the methods are implemented and compared using MATLAB. The methods seem to
complement each other well however the results are somewhat inconclusive.
Student essay
Andersson, Angelica
Elias, Olof
Karlsson, Jakob
Svensson, Johanna