WE SHALL OVERCOME… Historien om EKHO – Ekumeniska gruppen för kristna HBTQ-personer
WE SHALL OVERCOME… The history of EKHO – The Ecumenical Association for Christian LGBTQ people
EKHO - The Ecumenical Association for Christian LGBTQ people has existed in Sweden
since the 1970's second half. The movement had its ups and downs throughout the years. In
this essay, I will examine what happened when the movement was formed and how the
first period developed. By examining EKHO Stockholm´s magazine EKHO-bladet my task is
to describe the story from when the first EKHO association was formed until the EKHO organizations of Sweden joined together and formed the National Association, Riks EKHO. My second issue is to look into which role EKHO has played for the development in LGBTQ-issues for the Church of Sweden by analyzing documents from within the church concerning these matters. We clearly see how EKHO throughout history
have helped the Church of Sweden to move forward in talks and discussions on Christian
LGBTQ-people´s situation.
The first EKHO Association in Sweden was formed in 1978, when EKHO Stockholm was
founded. Over the last decades five local organizations of EKHO, including Stockholm, was
founded in Sweden. 1989, the unions merged to form the National Association
Riks EKHO. During its history, unions have operated with different characteristics such
as social activities but also information mission outward. EKHO suffered greatly in the 80's
when HIV/AIDS hit Sweden. Ever since the association was formed it has affected
the Church of Sweden in the direction of becoming more open on issues related
to homosexuality and Gay Christians. EKHO representatives have been involved in almost
all investigations that the Church of Sweden has made in the area since the 1980's
and until the Church of Sweden in 2009 decided that marriage between two people of the
same-sex could marry in the church. EKHO added an inside perspective that the
heterosexual Christians was not able to give, which has been incredibly valuable for
the development in the Church of Sweden.
Student essay
Andersson, Erik
Church of Sweden
Gay Christian