Den Löfvensiöldska parken på Bergatorp - att sköta en parkmiljö med effektiva metoder
The park in Bergatorp - how to manage a landscape garden with effective methods
In the 19th century Charles Emil Löfvenskiöld, well-known for his architectural style for farm
buildings, lived at Bergatorp, north of Mariestad. Today the farm still shows many signs of his life.
Hassle hembygdsförening, a local heritage society, is the manager of the farm. At Bergatorp there is told to have been an English landscape garden, but today it’s mainly “just a forest”. The high age of the members is a problem in the management of the farms old park grounds. Without management of the park grounds, the old trees and other signs of the landscape garden are soon to disappear.
The purpose of this thesis is to suggest how the members of Hassle hembygdsförening can recreate and manage the farms park grounds with only a little time and almost no expenses. Since it is a common problem in Sweden, hopefully this can help other local heritage societies in similar situations to find solutions.
Effective methods and using what you have got makes the management of the park grounds easy and achievable. Sheep grazing, coppicing and pollarding are management methods suitable for the park grounds on Bergatorp, adapted to the local heritage society’s capacity. The members can work ten minutes or two hours at a time, depending on their ability.
Student essay
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Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen i
Kulturvård, Landskapsvårdens hantverk, 15 hp, 2012
Sievers, Hanna
local heritage
cultural heritage management
English landscape garden
sheep grazing