Sexuell hälsa, ungdomar och unga vuxna - En studie om efterfrågade insatser i det preventiva och hälsofrämjande arbetet med sexuell hälsa i Västra Götalandsregionen
Sexual health, adolescents and young adults. A study regarding requested interventions in the prevention and health promotion work with sexual health in the region of Västra Götaland.
We have from three studies examined how adolescents and young adults, actors and the research
field describes the preventive and health promotion work with sexual health. The questions we
asked ourselves was based on what efforts adolescents and young adults demand, whether there are
differences between age, gender, place of residence, ethnicity, employment, and sexual orientation.
Furthermore, we investigate if these requirements are consistent with the offered interventions from
participants, as well as which perspectives the work with STI / HIV and SRHR issues should be
based on. The investigation concerns the work of Västra Götaland and is answered by interviews
with participants regarding the activities offered by actors, a quantitative analysis and text analysis
of the answers of adolescents and young adults, and an international research overview of the
research field. Our results show a high demand for basic preventive work from the adolescents and
young adults. Furthermore, there is an increased demand of action from men, LGBTQ group and
depending on the place of residence. This is because the actors have a precedence in the definition
of sexuality and sexual health. Adolescents and young adults, as well as the informants, requests
more focus on SRHR issues, and a common understanding of sexual health and sexuality. The
conclusion is that the preventive and health promotion work should be more based on a humanistic and social constructionist perspective. In this way, sexual health could be seen as a right rather than a need.
Student essay
Östlundh, Sandra
Andersson, Johanna
sexual health, STI / HIV prevention, adolescents, young adults and health promotion