Bobo Stenson: Indicum
Bobo Stenson: piano
Anders Jormin: double bass
Jon Fält: drums
Free playing, Danish composer Carl Nielsen’s “Oft Am I Glad”, tunes by Bill Evans and George Russell, a Norwegian hymn, contemporary composition by Ola Gjeilo, a Wolf Biermann protest song, Ariel Ramirez.’s folkloric “La Peregrinación”, ... Wide-ranging repertoire has become a hallmark of Bobo Stenson albums. But it’s not just the eclecticism that is striking: Stenson, Jormin and Fält take these far-flung sources and make an organic, breathing music out of them ... Stenson, of course, has long been one of the greats of Scandinavian jazz, and an ECM artist since the first years of the label. But there is a balance of energies in this particular trio – clear-edged lyrical piano playing, rootedness and keen choice of notes from the bass, and detailed, textural drumming – that is especially satisfying. Recorded in Lugano in November and December 2011.
Beskrivning av projektet
Four years after “Cantando”, a new album from the Bobo Stenson Trio – recorded in Lugano last December – explores a broad arc of material. Here we find: free playing (the trio has its own, fresh approach to collective improvising), tunes by Bill Evans (“Your Story”, offered here as a tribute to Paul Motian, for whom this tune was a favourite) and by George Russell (“Event VI” from “Living Time”, another piece associated with Evans), Danish composer Carl Nielsen’s “Oft Am I Glad”, a Norwegian hymn (in an arrangement by Anders Jormin and folk singer Sinikka Langeland), contemporary composition by Norway’s Ola Gjeilo, a Wolf Biermann protest song, Argentine composer Ariel Ramírez’s folkloric “La Peregrinación”, and more. Wide-ranging repertoire has become a hallmark of Bobo Stenson recordings. But it’s not just the eclecticism that is striking: Bobo Stenson, Anders Jormin and Jon Fält take their far-flung sources and make of them an organic music that sings with its own voice.
As the New York Times has noted “Mr. Stenson makes fairly sublime piano trio records without over-arranging, overplaying or over-bandleading. In his mid-60s now, he’s the repository of half a century of the development of free jazz, in particular the European post-1960s kind, with its folk and classical leanings. Yet he wears it all lightly. In his recent records you don’t hear strategies or contentions but a natural working flow.”
Typ av arbete
Sound recording
Offentliggjord i
ECM 2012
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Jormin, Anders
Sound recording
artistic work