Pencil Fields
A live performance of 10-15 minutes by Palle Dahlstedt on a custom built instrument, using a simple pencil drawing as a gestural interface for controlling complex analog synthesis (on a Bugbrand Modular). The instrument works by creating a voltage potential field in the graphite/pencil markings on the paper using custom movable electrodes made from coins. Then, control voltages are extracted from other points on the paper, controlling various aspects of the synthesized sound.
Med stöd av
Swedish Research Council
Beskrivning av projektet
I present an electronic music performance, developed in 2011-2012, based around a novel low-tech multidimensional gestural controller, exploiting the resistive properties of a 2D field of pencil markings on paper. A set of movable electrodes (plus, minus, ground), made from soldered stacks of coins, create a dynamic voltage potential field in the carbon layer, and another set of movable electrodes tap voltages from this field. These voltages are used to control complex sound engines in an analogue modular synthesizer. Both the voltage field and the tap electrodes can be moved freely. The design was inspired by previous research in complex mappings for advanced digital instruments, and provide a similarly dynamic playing environment for analogue synthesis. The interface is cheap to build, and provide flexible control over a large set of parameters. It is musically satisfying to play, and allow for a wide range of playing techniques, from wild exploration to subtle expressions. I also present an extensive inventory of the available playing techniques, motivated by the instrument, musically, conceptually and theatrically. The interface has been used in a number of performances in Sweden, Japan and the USA, with gradually gradually more complex sound engines.
Benämmning och beskrivning av återgivna delverk
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Typ av arbete
Artistic works, Music performance
Offentliggjord i
2 concerts, Levande Musik, May 5, 2011 Lecture/recital, Tokyo Metropolitan University, September 25, 2011 Concert, VARIA Festival, Atalante, Göteborg, Oct 26, 2011 Concert, Battering Ram, Kyoto, Japan, October 2, 2011 Concert, Artisten, Göteborg, April 13, 2012 Concert/demo/paper presentation, New Interfaces for Musical Expression 2012 (NIME), conference, University of Michigan, USA, May 21-23, 2012 Lecture/performance/demo, Geiger Festival, Teater Cinnober, Göteborg, Nov 5, 2012
Övrig beskrivning
The work was peer-reviewed and selected for concert, demo and full paper presentation at the conference New Interfaces for Musical Expression 2012 (NIME), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, May 21-23, 2012
Dahlstedt, Palle
Analog synthesis
Gestural mapping
Elektronic music
artistic work