Casting In/Casting Out
Beskrivning av projektet
Installation in vacant lot next to gallery/residency 1 Shanthi Road, Bangalore, India. Consists of 180 kilos of plaster cast into found plastic packaging-some of which was brought from Sweden, some found on site. The "archeological site" displays examples of some of the castings. Site was partially cleaned with help of neighbourhood inhabitants, and trash can be burned in the main sculpture. Work remains to gradually disintegrate or be
covered by accumulating trash.
Typ av arbete
Site-specific sculpture installation
Offentliggjord i
1 Shanthi Road gallery/residency, Bangalore India
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Övrig beskrivning
Articles in The Bangalore Mirror (April 7) Deccan Herald and Bangalore Time-Out (April) available on my website
Pdf with images
Johnson, Leslie
artistic work