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dc.contributor.authorJohansson, Therese
dc.contributor.authorGrahmstad, Malin
dc.description.abstractThis thesis is examining if the management, the managers and the employees have a different point of view regarding the purpose and the expectations of a performance review. Additionally it is an assignment from the Swedish company Flexlink AB with the purpose of constructing a new template for their performance reviews. The assumption is that if you manage to create one template for performance reviews that meets the expectations at all levels of the organization, it will contribute to create a meaningful performance review. We decided to study this from an organizational cultural perspective, since the organizational culture plays a significant part in performance reviews. Performance reviews are systematic conversations between employees and managers related to planning, information exchange and developing the relationship. Previous research indicates that if employees are satisfied with their performance reviews, they prone to be more satisfied with their work situation and have a higher organizational commitment. The study was done through interviews with three participants from the management team, five managers at various levels as well as five employees, all from Flexlink. The questions concerned their perception of the purpose and expectations for the performance reviews in general and also their perception of the existing template. The responses were then analyzed using previous research about performance reviews and theories of organizational culture. The management concluded that the purpose of a performance review is to reconcile the company's development with the individual´s, and to ensure the organizational competence needs. Employees believe that the purpose of a performance review is to discuss their work situation. Both the management's and the employee´s expectations of the performance review are that it will provide valuable feedback for both sides which indicate a low degree of power distance from an organizational culture perspective. The managers believe that the purpose is to reconcile the past year and plan for the future year. They are expecting an open and honest discussion with potential for constructive criticism, which also supports the indication of a low degree of power distance. With the basis in the analysis of the interviews and previous research on the subject a new template was
dc.subjectPerformance reviewsv
dc.subjectOrganizational culturesv
dc.titleEtt meningsfullt utvecklingssamtal - En studie av ledning, chefer och medarbetares förväntningar utifrån teorier om organisationskultursv
dc.contributor.departmentUniversity of Gothenburg / Department of sociology and work scienceeng
dc.contributor.departmentGöteborgs universitet / / Institutionen för sociologi och arbetsvetenskapswe
dc.type.degreeStudent essay

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