Career paths for HR professionals within the shared service model -A comparative study of two cases
Career assistance in contemporary large organisations is one of the dealings of human
resource (HR) departments who help employees planning and develop their career. An increasing trend
is a transformation of the HR function by implementing the shared service model. However, career
planning and visible career paths for the HR professionals themselves, the persons helping
other making their career, is at risk of being neglected.
This thesis “Career paths for HR professionals within the shared service model” aimed to describe
and analyse the career moves of HR professionals within the shared service model. Two research
questions were asked in this explorative study: Which are the patterns of movements in the shared
service model and which factors can be identified as having enabled HR mobility in the companies?
The method of investigation was a comparative case study consisting of 21 semi-structured
interviews with HR professionals two organisation: one private manufacturing company and one public
healthcare company. Choosing two companies offered the possibility to look for similarities and
differences in career moves and explanations for such differences.
As a tool for analysing the empirical data the theoretical framework of Bourdieu’s theory of
practise was chosen. The main findings showed that the shared service model promotes career moves
both within and across different subfields. A complex mix habitus and social and cultural capital
was identified to enable career movements. Factors of importance included “the right personality”,
personal drive, business acumen, networking, social skills and experience. However, specific
movements of HR professionals were in close relation to the institutional context, emphasising the
field. Furthermore, it was a mutual relationship between the field, habitus and different forms of
The results showed the significance of continued research. Continued studies could be
focused on the career possibilities for HR professionals who have reached the high positions.
Student essay
Matisa, Sandra
HR professionals
Shared service model
shared service model, HR competencies
Theory of practise