Beskrivning av projektet
Interview(s) is a collaborative project I produced with the artist Heman Chong. It began with a series of assumptions about the social life of objects. 1. Objects can represent words or sentences in a conversation. 2. An object moves from insignificance to significance (and vice-versa) when transferred from one person to another. 3. All objects have power by way of their relationships with other objects, ourselves included. 4. There are other levels of value to objects, on top of the values certain systems attach to it, personal, monetary, symbolic, nostalgic, which shift and change over time, sometimes quickly and sometimes very slowly. 5. Time slows down and speeds up due to our relationships with objects. 6. Objects tell stories. 7. Stories are also objects.
Each of us produced a collection of 100 objects over a period of four months without discussing what these objects were with each other. One week before the exhibition began we met to arrange these objects onto tables with mirrored tops. Because each object represents one part of a conversation, the exhibition represents a reflection of the ways in which two individuals enter into a dialogue with each other. Each composition was entitled Interview(s) and performs the word’s etymology, from the French entrevue, or s'entrevoir: to see each other.
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Wilkinson Gallery, London
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Marcellini, Anthony
Chong, Herman
artistic work