Doctoral thesis/Doktorsavhandlingar/Konstnärliga fakulteten: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 41-60 av 85
Never Heard Before: A Musical Exploration of Organ Voicing
(2015-02-09)This dissertation examines the practice of voicing and its implications for musical performance. Organ sounds are shaped to suit the practice of musical performance, and they influence that practice in significant ways. ... -
När andra skriver: skrivande som motstånd, ansvar och tid
(2014-11-05)How would a writer describe responsibility in writing, and in what ways could writing be conceived as resistance? One of the fundamental convictions in The writing of Others: writing conceived as resistance, responsibility ... -
Signing and Singing - Children in Teaching Dialogues
(2014-09-08)The dissertation examines children’s dialogical sense-making in task-oriented teaching activities, the aim of which is to explore children’s values and ideas in musical learning, in order to investigate how musical knowledge ... -
Performing History: Fotografi i Sverige 1970–2014
(2014-05-14)Using curatorial practice as a method, this thesis maps and investigates photography in Sweden 1970–2014. The study deepens the knowledge of photography mainly exhibited in institutions and/or having been organised by ... -
När musik gör skillnad – genus och genrepraktiker i samspel
(2014-04-28)The specific aim of the thesis is to highlight and problematise how gender in interplay with practice of genre is expressed and constructed in musical action. I discuss the interplay between gender and genre practice in ... -
Design for Service: A framework for articulating designers’ contribution as interpreter of users’ experience
(2014-03-11)During the past approximately 15 years designers have paid increasing attention to service and changes in our society, resulting in a new design discipline – service design. In parallel, designers’ contributions to service ... -
Den kapitalistiska skådespelaren – aktör eller leverantör?
(2014-03-03)The dissertation revolves around an actor’s craft as a changing craft. Theatre workers - like many other professions in Sweden – have experienced major changes in the labour market during a relatively short period of time. ... -
Linjer. Musikens rörelser – komposition i förändring
(2013-07-15)Lines: Music Moving – Composition Changing is a dissertation that focuses on relationships in music. The main question posed in this dissertation is: How does music relate to what is not music? Through an artistic inquiry, ... -
Meaning in the Making: Introducing a hermeneutic perspective on the contribution of design practice to innovation
(2013-07-08)In recent years interest has grown in how design can contribute to innovation in business and society, such as through the management concept of design thinking. However, up-close studies on design’s contribution to ... -
Infrafaces: Essays on the Artistic Interaction
(2013-06-04)The essays collected in this dissertation introduce a new concept in the field of interactive art: the concept of infrafaces. This thesis shows how a new zone is discovered when two or more elements connect. In the space ... -
Hur låter dikten? Att bli ved II
(2013-04-30)This project revolves around the question raised by its title. The dissertation consists of an investigation of the culture of poetry-reading and how it has established itself in modern times, and what characterises this ... -
Orgelsång och psalmspel. Musikalisk gestaltning av församlingssång
(2013-03-25)ABSTRACT Per Högberg: Organ Singing and Hymn Playing. Performing Congregational Song. The Lutheran church service tradition assigns important functions to the organ: in liturgical use, most of all as a leader, a source ... -
På insidan av tystnaden. En undersökning
(2013-02-14)How can I through musical improvisation change the course of interaction between music, space and text? The aim of my doctoral project is, on the basis of the various conditions a room or a space has to offer, to study the ... -
Light Shapes Spaces: Experience of Distribution of Light and Visual Spatial Boundaries
(2012-11-14)Light enables us to experience space. The distribution of light is vital for spatial experience but has not been the main focus of previous research on lighting. The lighting designer’s professional knowledge is to a ... -
Barns musikkomponerande i tradition och förändring
(2012-07-19)This thesis focuses on education at Swedish community music and arts schools and at primary schools. The aim of the study is to contribute to knowledge formation within the field of music education by examining how ... -
Devices. On Hospitality, Hostility and Design
(2012-03-14)This thesis studies and speculates upon the interrelations of artefacts with human and nonhuman agents. These interrelations form assemblages, some of which have emergent properties, becoming manifestations of processes ... -
Jag går från läsning till gestaltning - beskrivningar ur en monologpraktik
(2012-01-04)I go from reading to performing. Descriptions from a monologue practice is a dissertation based on an actor’s work with monologues. The path of work is traced and described from a practitioner’s perspective. Concrete ... -
A Field of Possibilities: Designing and Playing Digital Musical Instruments
(2011-11-04)This thesis focuses on a set of digital musical instruments I have designed and developed with ensemble improvisation in mind. The intention is not to create a universal improvisational instrument, but rather to create a ... -
the sky is blue
(2011-10-11)Through its works the sky is blue wants to show that both institutional and subjective limitations are present in our lives but that we also have the ability to go beyond these limitations by way of our dreams, our fantasies ...