Master: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 53
(2020-07-03)Circumstances are the attendant properties of human action. Aquinas asserts that the end and object are the main factors in determining the moral value of human action, however, he also states that circumstances can play ... -
Hur kommunicerar Försäkringskassan tillit och förtroende i tider av misstroende för myndigheten? En kritisk diskursanalys av debattartiklar publicerade i svensk nyhetsmedia
(2019-11-11)Syfte: I denna uppsats studeras hur Försäkringskassan, vars ansvarsområde är att förvalta det offentliga trygghetssystemet, väljer att kommunicera trygghet, tillit och förtroende i sina uttalanden i tider av misstroende. ... -
ALLMÄNLÄKARNAS UPPLEVELSER AV NATIONELLT KLINISKT KUNSKAPSSTÖD En studie om tjänstekvalitet, kundtillfredsställelse och kundlojalitet
(2019-09-06)Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka hur allmänläkare upplever rekommendationerna som erbjuds av Nationellt kliniskt kunskapsstöd (NKK), med avseende på tjänstekvalitet, otillfredsställelse och kundlojalitet. Syftet var ... -
ÖKAT DELTAGANDE, MER DEMOKRATI En undersökning av hur demokrati kommuniceras av Göteborgs Stad och dess målgrupp
(2019-09-06)Uppsatsen undersöker demokratiperspektivet i Göteborgs Stads demokratikommunikation och dess ideologiska försanthållanden i relation till medborgarnas syn på demokrati. En kritisk diskursanalys appliceras på stadens ... -
ATT SE VÄRLDEN I ETT DANSANDE K En multimodal socialsemiotisk analys av Kungsbacka Teaters profil
(2019-09-06)To examine the semiotic resources that constitute the multimodal corporate identity of Kungsbacka Theater, specifically as expressed as signs in three examples: the front page and the first spread of the theater program ... -
Den utopiska visionen - Etablering av ekvivalens i anpassning av psykologiska test
(2019-01-25)Syfte: Det övergripande syftet med uppsatsen är att bidra med en samlad kunskapsbild och en fördjupad förståelse för teoretiska och praktiska villkor för testadaption för att stödja riktlinjeförfattare, testutvecklande ... -
Dealing with word ambiguity in NLP. Building appropriate sense representations for Danish sense tagging by combining word embeddings with wordnet senses
(2018-12-13)This thesis describes an approach to handle word sense in natural language processing. If we want language technologies to handle word ambiguity, then machines need proper sense representations. In a case study on Danish ... -
Experimenting with picture-based methods for semantic fieldwork: A case study on quantity superlatives in Persian
(2018-11-14)This work (a) presents a novel questionnaire for eliciting comparatives and superlatives of quality and quantity; (b) suggests guidelines for creating visual elicitation stimuli, as well as practical implications for ... -
Exploit Unlabeled Data with Language Model for Text Classification. Comparison of four unsupervised learning models
(2018-10-29)Within a situation where Semi-Supervised Learning (SSL) is available to exploit unlabeled data, this paper shows that Language Model (LM) outperforms the three models in text classification, which three models are based ... -
TOPIC MODELING FOR ANALYSIS OF PUBLIC DISCOURSE -Enriching topic modeling with linguistic information to analyze Swedish housing policies
(2018-01-15)This work investigates how the method of topic modeling can be applied to investigate the public discourse of Swedish housing policies. The data used to represent this discourse is both from the Swedish parliament, the ... -
Automated Detection of Syntactic Ambiguity Using Shallow Parsing and Web Data
(2017-11-28)Technical documents are mostly written in natural languages and they are highly ambiguity-prone due to the fact that ambiguity is an inevitable feature of natural languages. Many researchers have urged technical documents ... -
Putin: Post Crimea, Pre Election. A Content Analysis of Vladimir Putin’s Many Faces in Swedish and Finnish Press during 2016.
(2017-11-21)The aim of this study is to analyse how Svenska Dagbladet and Hufvudstadsbladet framed Russia’s president Vladimir Putin during 2016 using framing theory. The study showed that the dominating overall frame was game framing ... -
Automated Detection of Syntactic Ambiguity Using Shallow Parsing and Web Data
(2017-11-17)Technical documents are mostly written in natural languages and they are highly ambiguity-prone due to the fact that ambiguity is an inevitable feature of natural languages. Many researchers have urged technical documents ... -
What is a neutral criterion of ontological commitment?
(2017-10-03)In this paper I raise the question of what counts as a neutral criterion of ontological commitment. I claim that the neutrality of a criterion should be measured by the neutrality of the method it provides for determining ... -
Increasing Recall of Lengthening Detection via Semi-Automatic Classification
(2017-09-11)Lengthening is the ideal hesitation strategy for synthetic speech and dialogue systems: it is unobtrusive and hard to notice, because it occurs frequently in everyday speech before phrase boundaries, in accentuation, and ... -
The Dual Nature of Harm - In Defence of the Disjunctive View -
(2017-07-05)Much of the debate about the nature of harm regard the standard comparative views and the alternative non-comparative views. The former claim that harm always involves a subject that is made worse off. The latter acknowledges ... -
EN STADSDELSFÖRVALTNING PÅ FACEBOOK. En enkätstudie om vad invånare i Lundby vill se på stadsdelsförvaltningens Facebooksida.
(2017-01-23)Ge stadsdelsförvaltningen i Lundby en riktning i hur de kan arbeta med en Facebooksida som kommunikationskanal till sina invånare. Utgångspunkter (s. 7 i uppsatsen), kommunikatörens roll (s. 8 i uppsatsen) om en framgångsrik ... -
(2016-11-23)How responsible are patients for adhering to treatment plans designed to optimize the treatment of their health-problem? This thesis analyses and explores a variety of ways in which this question can be understood, and how ... -
(2016-11-16)The purpose of this study is to investigate how communication for public caregivers works in a multicultural environment where a large group of citizens do not speak the main language in the country as their first tongue. ...