Kommunala bevarandestrategier på landsbygden En fallstudie med fokus på medborgardialog
Municipal conservation strategies in rural areas. A case study with focus on citizen dialogue
This paper addresses how local government works with agrarian environments and the
extent to which citizens are given the opportunity to participate in this process. Through a
literature review the legal frameworks and conditions for citizenship in municipal cultural
planning are examined.
These conditions currently consists of conventions and policy documents stating that we
should strive for greater participation. This is of high importance for rural cultural
environments as these are not as strictly regulated by the physical planning, which means
that the responsibility for these cultural environments primarily with property owners. As
these environments often fall outside the scope of local authority practice the state instead
use economic encouragement contributions paid in compensation to the property owners
who manage culturally valuable landscape elements. The study focus is on a case study
where the view of the landscape is examined, both from the municipality and the citizens'
perspective. It also addresses the question of the extent to which the municipality uses the
public dialogue is a knowledge base for the cultural environment produced. The
municipality involved in the case study work primarily from an expert perspective, where
citizens are informed afterwards. The values and descriptions of the landscape that
emerges from the knowledge base are consistent to some extent with the local population
view, but with some key differences when the knowledge base values the physical
structures while locals focus on the processes that maintain them. Finally, the pros and
cons of citizen participation in municipal cultural planning is discussed where my
conclusion is that civic participation together with the expert knowledge creates a broader
knowledge base and lead to a consensus among different parties. Additionally this anchors
the knowledge bases with property owners at an earlier stage, which will enables an
increased responsibility and thereby maintaining the valuable properties of these cultural
Student essay
Övrig beskrivning
Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen i
Kulturvård, Bebyggelseantikvariskt program
15 hp
Institutionen för kulturvård
Göteborgs universitet
Clarke, Malin
Conservation strategies
rural areas
heritage planning
ISSN 1101-3303