Kandidatuppsatser / Institutionen för språk och litteraturer: Recent submissions
Now showing items 121-140 of 684
« ILS AVANÇAIENT LES GENS VERS LES LUMIÈRES... ». La dislocation à droite dans un chapitre de Voyage au bout de la nuit de Louis-Ferdinand Céline et dans ses deux traductions suédoises
(2019-02-12)Författaren Louis-Ferdinand Céline förnyade med sin säregna stil den franska litteraturen; bland annat använde han sig av många talspråkliga element. Ett av dessa är final dislokation, som är vanlig i talad franska, men ... -
El efecto de incertidumbre en ”Olingiris”, ”La culpa es de los tlaxcaltecas” y ”El árbol”: Un estudio comparativo de tres relatos breves hispanoamericanos
(2019-02-11)The objective of this paper is to analyze why and how some texts leave us with a feeling of uncertainty, here called "the effect of uncertainty". The analysis is based on a comparison of "Olingiris" by Samanta Schweblin. ... -
(2019-02-08)The aim of the study is to analyse the language used in the BBC series Sherlock. The focus is on the way the show portrays characters with different social backgrounds and their use of the English language, and whether ... -
“I DON’T THINK WE’VE BEEN FORMALLY INTRODUCED?” Re-contextualising a Literary Model for First Meetings through Adaptation Theory and Fan Fiction
(2019-02-08)(Re-)contextualising narratology in today’s world of rapid technological development and widespread access to the internet serves as the basis of this essay, which explores what happens when narratology, adaptation theory ... -
TOUJOURS EDDY? Entre fiction et réalité : une étude sur la relation ambiguë entre Édouard Louis et son oeuvre 'En finir avec Eddy Bellegueule'
(2019-01-31)Den här uppsatsen är en bred romananalys som undersöker förhållandet mellan den franska författaren Édouard Louis och hans självbiografiska roman Göra sig kvitt Eddy Bellegueule (En finir avec Eddy Bellegueule) från 2014. ... -
MANGA, ORTOGRAFI OCH ÖVERSÄTTNING. En karaktärs- och översättningsanalys av Yotsuba från Yotsuba&!
(2019-01-28)Syftet med denna uppsats är att analysera karaktären Yotsuba från mangan Yotsuba&!, hennes språkegenskaper och hur de har översatts till svenska, för att förhoppningsvis bidra till framtida översättningar av japansk manga ... -
(2019-01-28)The purpose of this paper is to provide a view of the difference in the use of imperatives and directives between Japanese and Swedish. The use of imperative is quite usual in Swedish while the use of it in Japanese is ... -
NARUTO LOST IN TRANSLATION. En översättningsanalys baserat på yakuwarigoanvändning
(2019-01-28)För att förklara översättningstekniker kommer ”seven types of translation techniques” presenterad av Vinay och Darbelnet (1958/1995) i Yoko Hasegawas (2012) bok ”The Routledge Course in Japanese Translation” att användas ... -
Ecology From Within: Ecocriticism and Allegory in Ursula K. Le Guin’s The Word for World is Forest
(2019-01-08)This essay reads Ursula K. Le Guin’s novel The Word for World is Forest to explore whether there is a connection between Cartesian dualism, allegorical reading, and environmentalist thought. To answer this the essay ... -
Normas en Convivencia y Civismo: Un estudio de un libro de enseñanza nicaragüense de la Secundaria
(2018-12-17)El objetivo de esta tesina es investigar cuáles son las normas de género/sexualidad/religión, explícitas o implícitas, que reproduce el libro nicaragüense Convivencia y Civismo de la Secundaria. Además queremos investigar ... -
Den monastiska receptionen av Epiktetos Encheiridion
(2018-12-14)From the teachings of the Hellenistic Philosopher Epictetus, we have among other works a Handbook, or an Encheiridion, where some of his most important sayings are collected in 53 short and imperative chapters, guiding the ... -
AMBLER’S MODIFICATIONS TO THE THRILLER: A Comparative Analysis of Epitaph for a Spy and The Murder of Roger Ackroyd
(2018-10-18)Eric Ambler is known for his revision of the thriller and the modifications of the conventions entailed with the spy genre. The essay argues that Ambler applies these revisions to his novel, Epitaph for a Spy. The specific ... -
SUBJECT-VERB AGREEMENT IN L2 LEARNER LANGUAGE A study of compulsory school English in a Swedish context
(2018-10-18)Abstract: learners of English produce subject-verb agreement errors in written productions. The study uses Error Analysis in order to collect, identify, describe, and finally, explain the occuring ... -
THE USE OF HOMOPHOBIC PEJORATIVES AMONG GAMERS A Critical Discourse Analysis of Slurs Within the Gaming Sphere
(2018-10-16)Abstract: The aim of this bachelor’s thesis is to analyze how homophobic slurs occur in the online gaming community in order to illustrate discriminatory language among gamers. This thesis also includes those not using ... -
THE RISE OF ACE AS A DESCRIPTOR A Linguistic Study Concerning the Jargon within an Online Asexual Community
(2018-09-19)The aim of this paper is to explore the jargon that can be found within an online asexual community. The most common definition of asexuality is that a person does not feel sexual attraction to any gender. This group of ... -
THE POLITICS OF A CHILDREN’S BOOK Haroun and the Sea of Stories
(2018-09-19)Rushdie’s Haroun and the Sea of Stories is a multifunctional tale, representing and arguing for, among other things, political expression, opposition to censorship and not least a movement for free speech. Disguised as a ... -
THE BYRONIC STANDARD Ecology in Byron’s Poetry
(2018-09-19)Byron’s work is unique amongst writers of the 18th and 19th century due to the human element and its interaction with nature. Thus, the aim of this study is to examine the view of nature in Byron’s poetry (specifically his ... -
THE WATCHING DOG The Animal Gaze in Jack London’s “To Build a Fire”
(2018-09-19)This essay examines the role of the nameless dog in Jack London’s 1908 short story “To Build a Fire”. While it is a story previously studied for its naturalist and determinist themes, this essay turns the spotlight onto ... -
(2018-09-17)Att översätta är en process som har större utmaningar desto mer språken skiljer sig från varandra. I takt med det ökade intresset för det arabiska språket, som idag beräknas vara Sveriges näst vanligaste modersmål, så ... -
ʕAM BIYUKTUB MAʕA L-ʔALAM – HAN SKRIVER TILLSAMMANS MED PENNAN. En avgränsad studie om libanesiska arvspråkstalares prepositionsanvändning
(2018-09-12)En studie av arvsspråkstalares användning av prepositionerna bi och maʕa i arabiska, libanesisk dialekt. Intervjuer har genomförts med fyra talare där elicitering skett med hjälp av bilder. Resultatet visar att talarna ...