Books / Böcker: Recent submissions
Visas titlar 41-60 av 235
Crisis communication and the Norwegian authorities
(Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordicom, 2015-05)How can the authorities communicate adequately to the public after national catastrophes and deal with the distress and basic needs of citizens in an appropriate manner? How should they address citizens after a devastating ... -
Worldview struggles under a new climate regime
(Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordicom, 2015-05)Climate change poses a fundamental challenge that exerts pressure to pursue change – politically, economically and in daily life (e.g., Giddens 2009 and Hulme 2010). It has also become an era of struggle and contestation ... -
"They Say One Thing and Mean Another”. How differences in in-group understandings of key goals shape political knowledge
(Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordicom, 2015-05)Journalists and politicians play different roles in the functional structure of the Habermasian public sphere; as such, they might be expected to have different understandings of what knowledge production and transmission ... -
Approaches to political commentary in Scandinavia
(Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordicom, 2015-05)Political commentary is a contested genre that has attracted a great deal of attention in the Scandinavian public debate, whereas the scholarly literature on it is still in an initial phase. In order to strengthen ... -
A few parting words
(Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordicom, 2015-05) -
(Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordicom, 2015-05-28) -
Distribution, produktion och jämställdhet i filmbranschen
(Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordicom, 2015-05) -
Svensk journalistik
(Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordicom, 2015-05)Medierna kan förklara och förändra världen. Sverige har liksom de flesta nordiska länder en självbild av att vara ett jämställt samhälle. När det kommer till medieområdet är den bilden inte lika självklar. I dagspressens ... -
Verdien av en kvinnes stemme
(Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordicom, 2015-05)Norske nyhetsredaksjoner har en lavere andel kvinnelige medarbeidere enn svenske og finske. Blant reportene utgjør kvinner en drøy tredel og knappe en av fem redaksjonelle ledere (redaktører) er en kvinne. Enkelte ... -
Women in journalism
(Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordicom, 2015-05)More and more women have entered journalism in the last 20-30 years and they outnumber men in journalism education by far. Women are though still under 40% of members of the two Icelandic union of journalists and few ... -
The gender divisions and hierarchies of the Finnish news organisations
(Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordicom, 2015-05)The article gives an overview on gender and the news media in Finland. The main source of the article is the Global Report on the Status of Women in the News Media which is based on a global study in 59 countries. The ... -
Køn i danske medieinstitutioner og danske tv-medier
(Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordicom, 2015-05)Artiklen redegør for de danske resultater af undersøgelsen Women and Media Industries in Europe under European Institute of Gender Equality (EIGE) fra 2012-13. Undersøgelsen består både af analyser af kønssammensætningen ... -
Media and information literacy
(UNESCO, 2015)The Government of Indonesia teamed up with UNESCO in August 2014 to organize the “Global Media Forum: The roles of media in realizing the future we want for all”. Experts, academics, journalistsKey discussions from the ... -
As it Happens How Live News Blogs Work and their Future
(Nordic Counil of Ministers, Nordicom, 2014-12-15)The live blog is a relatively new, web-native format that has special possibilities for creating journalism. It is an example of networked journalism that puts an emphasis on aggregated material from different sources ... -
Den religiösa betydelsen av Flåklypa Grand Prix
(Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordicom, 2014-12-15)I denna artikel analyseras Norges genom tiderna mest populära film, Flåklypa Grand Prix (1975), ur ett mytologiskt perspektiv. Teorier hämtas främst från religionshistorikern och religionsfenomenologen Mircea Eliade, ... -
From Public Relations to Strategic Communication in Sweden The Emergence of a Transboundary Field of Knowledge
(Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordicom, 2014-11-25)In this conceptual article, we argue that strategic communication is a transboundary concept that captures, better than public relations does, the complex phenomenon of an organiza- tion’s targeted communication processes ... -
The Other Stance Conflicting Professional Self-Images and Perceptions of the Other Profession among Finnish PR Professionals and Journalists
(Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordicom, 2014-11-25)Public relations (PR) professionals and journalists act as builders of societies’ communica - tion atmospheres, and their inter-relationships are of importance. The aim of the present study is to describe and compare PR ... -
Rethinking Photojournalism The Changing Work Practices and Professionalism of Photojournalists in the Digital Age
(Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordicom, 2014-11-25)Public service, ethics, objectivity, autonomy and immediacy are still often considered the core values of professional journalism. However, photojournalistic work has confronted historic changes since the advent of ... -
Battling Mainstream Media, Commentators and Organized Debaters Experiences from Citizens’ Online Opinion Writing in Sweden
(Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordicom, 2014-11-25)This article presents the results of a qualitative interview study on citizen opinion writers who are active on a citizen media website in Sweden. The study explores the writers’ experi - ences of participating in the ... -
The Legitimacy of Public Service Broadcasting in the 21 st Century The Case of Scandinavia
(Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordicom, 2014-11-25)The present paper examines the debate on the future of public service broadcasting (PSB) in Norway and Sweden in the 2000s. I have analysed the discourses on PSB that dominate the public debate in the two countries, the ...