Mapping the security networks - And the role of private security companies
This thesis examines the local occurrence of two global trends on a local level in Sweden, the
increased privatisation of security services and the increasing tension and security problems in
urban areas. The local security networks in Angered (Gothenburg) and Rinkeby-Kista
Stockholm are the cases examined in the thesis. Both Angered and Rinkeby-Kista has
experienced riots in the communities and in order to enhance the security private security
companies are a part of the local security network in both cases. The focus of the thesis is to
enhance the understanding of how local security networks are designed and functions as well
as understanding what role private security companies’ play: How are the local security
networks designed in terms of actors, structures, roles and measures? How was the current
design of the local security network decided? And how do the people involved in the local
security network consider private security companies in terms of advantages and
disadvantages? The tools used to answer these questions are document analysis of policy
documents, evaluations and contract and interviews with the main actors in the local security
network (City district municipalities, police, private security companies and youth centres).
The most decisive factor of how the design of the security networks, the more private
presence in the design stage the more likely it seems that private security companies are used
to preform more tasks like patrolling and outreach activities. The main features of local
security networks are proactive and preventive measures like outreach activities and different
forums and projects to increase the trust and respect for authorities and society. One of the
main problems seems to cooperation between private security companies and different actors
involved in security networks, the security companies rarely have any cooperation with city
district municipalities, social services, the police and youth centres. The main advantages with
private security companies are almost exclusively that they are a pair of extra eyes on the
ground and can work with traditional tasks like patrolling and manned guarding. Local
security networks are still a new phenomenon, the design, structures and cooperation differs a
lot from case to case and also depending on who is describing it.
Master theses
Stridsman, Mats
Urban Governance
Private Security
Local Security Networks